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The Wolfman. Good acting from Hopkins and Weaving.


There isnt a lot of different directions you can take a werewolf movie. Nothing new in this one.


6/10 - although decent enough, utterly forgettable

Edited by Holden McGroin
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District 9


Its about Africa / Jo-burg - Aliens have arrived and are being held in a fenced off camp. They have adopted human ways and you have a mix of local gangsters and the aliens with plenty of crime etc. The aliens are kinda biped insects. Its a very tongue in cheek film, but easy to watch and have a laugh from.

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The Seven Year Itch

I thought this was supposed to be a classic. I guess any Monroe vehicle has been built up out of all proportion since she died young. Poor.


Reign Over Me

I wonder how many people were lulled into this Adam Sandler film imagining laughs aplenty and were surprised to find it's one of the most depressing, emotionally exploitative, trudges through death and mourning you will see. Sandler's wife and 3 little girls were killed on one of the 9/11 planes and he spends 2 hours (based 7 or 8 years later) dressed as Bob Dylan wallowing in self pity. I've been trying to give it the benefit of the doubt since. I've been trying to think if it works as a clever subversion of the post 9/11 American psyche. Sandler represents America and 9/11 fucks him up completely and he loses all sense of proportion, rationality and response. I can't manage it though, because if that was the case, then they couldn't do something as disgustingly shallow as

introduce a stick thin, cipher of a character for him to live happily ever after with in the last 3 minutes

. So all you can say about it is that it uses a real tragedy to satisfy it's own melodrama which is pretty vile.



It's been said time and time again, but it's amazingly close to Spinal Tap for real. The 2 founder members of the band sit in a cafe and sing one of their earliest songs. They visit Stone Henge. They play in front of ever dwindling audiences. They lose their record deal. One of the band is screwing the manager. The manager's incomptent. They argue and split and get back together and tour in Japan. An incredibly funny and enjoyable film. All that was missing was little bread and dobly.


Ghost Town

Not as bad as people have suggested. There's not many big laughs, but there's a few chuckles.

Edited by Happy Face
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Tell No One

Incredible French thriller with shades of Hitchcock when a man comes under suspicion 8 years after the murder of his wife. Very highly recommended.


Reading more about it I found the inevitable...


"Miramax and Focus have bought the rights for an English language remake"


So get it watched quick and you can annoy everyone saying you prefer the original a'la The Departed :(

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Tell No One

Incredible French thriller with shades of Hitchcock when a man comes under suspicion 8 years after the murder of his wife. Very highly recommended.


Its good that, seen it a couple of years back but as usual found it hard as fuck to follow properly with all the complex plot twists. Should try and re-watch it with subtitles.

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Everythings Fine 4/10


Robert De Niro

Drew Barrymore

Kate Beckinsale





Gets 7.4 out of 10 on IMDB so you think this may be good. Its pants.


Its one of those self searching pieces of shit that americans do so badly.


Avoid like the plague.

Edited by Christmas Tree
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Tell No One

Incredible French thriller with shades of Hitchcock when a man comes under suspicion 8 years after the murder of his wife. Very highly recommended.


Its good that, seen it a couple of years back but as usual found it hard as fuck to follow properly with all the complex plot twists. Should try and re-watch it with subtitles.


Aye it's a proper Usual Suspects/LA Confidential style drip feed of the facts up to the final reveal...then reversal.


Proper mint.

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Tell No One

Incredible French thriller with shades of Hitchcock when a man comes under suspicion 8 years after the murder of his wife. Very highly recommended.


Reading more about it I found the inevitable...


"Miramax and Focus have bought the rights for an English language remake"


So get it watched quick and you can annoy everyone saying you prefer the original a'la The Departed :(


It's been sitting on my shelf since I acquired it as a free gift during my brief, disasterous liason with LoveFilm. My brother is coming up tomorrow and wants to borrow it, I shall have to hide it from him.

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District 9


Its about Africa / Jo-burg - Aliens have arrived and are being held in a fenced off camp. They have adopted human ways and you have a mix of local gangsters and the aliens with plenty of crime etc. The aliens are kinda biped insects. Its a very tongue in cheek film, but easy to watch and have a laugh from.


I saw D9 a few weeks back and was severely disappointed - I think it received too much hype. The apartheid analogy was cringeworthy at best and I couldn't get my head round how little people seemed to be affected by a huge alien mothership floating over Joburg and the influx of millions of 'shrimp'. A good action film though.


I saw 'The invention of lying' on a plane last week, pleasent way to pass a couple of hours. I like watching Gervais.

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Why did you think the apartheid theme was done so badly?



It was just too obvious imo - nothing wrong with making the point but the theme of "these things don't know any better" was just a bit over-played to the point where I just thought I'd ignore it and enjoy the action/swearing.

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Why did you think the apartheid theme was done so badly?



It was just too obvious imo - nothing wrong with making the point but the theme of "these things don't know any better" was just a bit over-played to the point where I just thought I'd ignore it and enjoy the action/swearing.


The film was even set in South Africa ffs!


I did enjoy on a certain level but that level was not much above the likes of Star Wars. Very silly really.

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Why did you think the apartheid theme was done so badly?



It was just too obvious imo - nothing wrong with making the point but the theme of "these things don't know any better" was just a bit over-played to the point where I just thought I'd ignore it and enjoy the action/swearing.


The film was even set in South Africa ffs!


I did enjoy on a certain level but that level was not much above the likes of Star Wars. Very silly really.


As a Vietnam (and later Iraq) metaphor, Star Wars was probably more subtle, but I don't see why metaphor needs to be imperceptible to allow you to enjoy the film.


"Only as good as Star Wars" is pretty high praise in the world of Sci-Fi though.

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Why did you think the apartheid theme was done so badly?



It was just too obvious imo - nothing wrong with making the point but the theme of "these things don't know any better" was just a bit over-played to the point where I just thought I'd ignore it and enjoy the action/swearing.


The film was even set in South Africa ffs!


I did enjoy on a certain level but that level was not much above the likes of Star Wars. Very silly really.


As a Vietnam (and later Iraq) metaphor, Star Wars was probably more subtle, but I don't see why metaphor needs to be imperceptible to allow you to enjoy the film.

"Only as good as Star Wars" is pretty high praise in the world of Sci-Fi though.

It obviously doesn't because they both said they enjoyed it anyway :(

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