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  2. She’s still hoping Johnson is going to fire a bastard up her. That’s where her political position is IMO. Based on zero factual evidence but I’m pretty sure it’s true.
  3. Today
  4. While I think it’s a disgrace, what impact does the dozy cunt think it’ll have. People normally vote for parties rather than individual candidates anyway. He’s as stupid as he is desperate. I expect the BBC will now make this their headline for the next couple of days?
  5. Yeah. She’s an absolute fucking cunt. But she’s not going achieve much with her lies imo. It also shows why Labour have been so cautious prior to the campaign, because this is what they’re up against from the supposedly impartial BBC. Let alone the openly right wing press. Just look at the people she’s supported in all but name and the damage they’ve done to this country.
  6. Saw that earlier. Electoral calculus gives him a 3% chance of retaining his seat.
  7. She Reay is like Goebbles. In that snip she implies MRP polls are less reliable than others, even though the exact opposite is true. MRP polls are typically correct to a few seats. Oh well, all she's going to do, if anything, is encourage Labour voters not to be complacent.
  8. I wouldn't count on that based on my limited experience with American Healthcare 🍭
  9. Rangers used to do that too when Murray owned them and they had the money - stopping development of Aberdeen/Hibs/Hearts etc by just buying their best players then leaving them yo rot.
  10. This has to against some kind of electoral rules?
  11. Apparently the Sunday Times thinks it’s a big deal that Starmer supposedly offered peerages to the likes of Abbott if they stood down. Did they make the same song and dance about Johnson giving a seat in the Lords to the son of an KGB colonel? Genuine question as it seemed to be a long time after the event that even became newsworthy
  12. the 18 months or so the premier league spent kicking the can down the road was literally the happiest period in their tragic lives. absolutely pure, unadulterated joy that we'd been deprived of wealthy owners without a single solitary mention of human rights or amnesty international. fucking fantasists.
  13. Seeing that Chelsea are also trying to hijack our bid for Marmitevilli it’s probably them being shit scared of us improving our squad. It is the tactics Bayern used in Germany in the past whichbthey admitted to do. Signing players their rivals were interested in or buying players from their rivals just to weaken them. It ruined many careers over the years.
  14. I’m just stunned that amongst their millions of STID worldwide fans there isn’t some bored billionaire ready to spunk his money away on them.… … that is, one who doesn’t need to ask his mam first.
  15. https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/prediction_main.html Yep, Sunak certainly seems to be making a remarkable comeback going off the above
  16. I don't think it's that big a blow tbh. Cost effective but looked to have a bit of Titus Bramble about him.
  17. They will, but the way that they often buy and then don't go on to consistently use players because of the lack of clear direction should be cause for concern. For most, when guided by their agents the most important factor is money, which Chelsea seemingly have an endless supply of. Though our owners have no limitation on spending our club does and so anyone that we do purchase will be to be used consistently, particularly if they're an established premier league player and are in their mid 20s. In summary both Chelsea and Newcastle will have told the player that he'd be a key component in their future but for us it has to be true, for Chelsea it doesn't.
  18. It was almost like a whirlwind how fast they rushed our takeover through, marra.
  19. I might sympathise if you had to go 3 times a week for practice plus whatever games were on in whichever far flung corner of Scotland was hosting that weekend.
  20. Glorious sunshine this morning shining over the North Sea. Summer feels like it has finally arrived. Meanwhile, I'm stuck with a winter coat on in Whitley Bay Ice Rink for 3 fucking hours as D2 does whatever ice skating stuff she does (normally the responsibility of Mrs Rents).
  21. MF thinks "fuck it" and drives off for some impromptu mountain climbing.
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