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  1. Past hour
  2. Fond memories of Parky always saying "quantum easing" in politics threads when he meant "quantitative easing"
  3. Today
  4. Argh this is really confusing.
  5. Begovic has been hopeless for many a season so I hope it’s fourth choice. Apparently he is good around the dressing room.
  6. Think they changed the rule. Clear goal scoring opportunity but also a penalty is now a yellow.
  7. That’s fucking magic tbh. Croat dives after the slightest touch (presumably hoping to get the defender sent off) instead of just finishing off the easiest of chances. Absolute poetic justice
  8. Mackem Don is hopeless too. Drury tries too hard and I thought he was better than that.
  9. Must admit to stealing that joke one or two times
  10. Labour lead up 6 to 25. Opinium coming later.
  11. Ive got Peter Drury and Don Goodman
  12. Lee Dixon is to co-commentators what Peter Sutcliffe was to truck drivers.
  13. Theyve had good enough chances to be not 3-0 down. Spain has been so clinical, I loved their second
  14. The good players are already very old. The defense is a bit mediocre. And the forward is no longer what they were
  15. Piss poor defending tbh.
  16. Are Croatia shit now? Midfield looks canny on paper but they look knackered against Spain’s energy
  17. This is spot on and something that I have always thought but never understood. I fail to see how the Tories are an ideal to live up to. I am in a far more comfortable situation, financially, that both of the people I have mentioned but I can not find any draw to the Tories. I have always voted Labour and I imagine that I will. My family have very little finances when I grew up, but I was loved and my parents always put me and my brothers first, I had access to good (state) education and access to university. I don't think I would have the same chances now. I am not starry eyed about Labour but I really feel that they are the closest that we will ever get to being able to level up society. I listen to the smaller parties and they are just not realistic in their expectations and aims because they do not have to be. I would love a return to the EU but this is not going to happen any time soon. I also feel that for Labour to back it would create a media backlash which has a big impact.
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