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  1. Past hour
  2. I wouldn't put it past him. He'll just give it "Working together we can get the country back on track" spiel that the right wing will lap up.
  3. She’s tapped. She’s still a cunt though
  4. It potentially significantly changes the result though. I'm a bit worried about this now.
  5. Yeah, looks like it to me. Not sure if him standing in Clacton makes much sense. Ah well, fuck them.
  6. Farage thing could also be them announcing a grubby deal with the Tories but I really hope not. Everything he's said so far would suggest it won't be that though.
  7. Very bad news for the Tories if this is right.
  8. I’d counter by reminding him what a huge supporter of the Tories Savile was. Not to mention his close relationship with Thatcher, who allowed him to spend Xmas at Chequers and lobbied for his knighthood, despite being warned about his behaviour
  9. I admire him for finishing his pint off. I’d have walked out.
  10. it is depressing verdict on the uk electorate that brexit, the biggest drag on the UK economy, and climate change, the biggest risk to humanity, are such low priorities
  11. Today
  12. I honestly think she is mentally ill. Damn equality, human rights, and the future of the planet! And I don't want to judge people on their appearance, but the decline in her's is disturbing.
  13. Badenoch's gender equality nonsense this morning probably gives the game away on another attack line in tomorrow night's debate. Especially given she spent the morning completely flummoxed and unable to explain how any of it would work. Obviously they've not been doing their research or they'd realised that NOBODY gives a fuck. See bottom of the list of issues, two spots below "other".
  14. The old lad sitting there thinking “ I only came out for a quiet pint and bag of scampi fries…ffs”
  15. You can bookmark this for your next trip up north.
  16. Now hold on. Gemmill has explained himself about this many times. Nothing happened and anyway, if it did, the lass in question definitely consented.
  17. all idle chit chat till confirmed by polarboy.
  18. The Debate would be a good place for Starmer to explain said rule (if raised) to the masses who won't know about it tbh.
  19. based on our current track record with injuries, hes definitely a newcastle player
  20. He played in 23 league games last season and was injured for 12 according to transfermarkt. One of the hottest assets available on a free right now. Not saying he's a long term solution but pick him up for the short term while Minteh develops which leaves us with extra money for a RCB and a proper DM.
  21. Aye he's gone after him for it repeatedly at PMQs. He knows the rule and he knows what he's doing, but he unfortunately just doesn't care.
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