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  2. I do feel for you guys with families who support the right wing. I know a woman who works part time in admin, probably takes home around Ā£11,000 a year max and has said "What have Labour ever done for us up here (in the north). I was speechless which is a rarity. My wife's brother in law works on the metro and is a massive Tory. Thinks he is better than the majority of people and doesn't realise that he is one of the people that the 'real Tories' look down on. A pleb with nothing to offer society.
  3. Once saw him drop a bag of coke (well assumed it was that) in Pitcher and Piano in Leeds. Bouncer saw him so stuffed a wad of cash in his pocket
  4. Mate of mine saw him coming out of an offy on Clayton St. the other week. About 10:30am, Six pack of cans and already off his lips. What a sad state to be in.
  5. Today
  6. I fucking hated Francis Jeffers, the jug-eared, wife-beating, shithouse, and I was very pleased his career turned to absolute fucking gash after he fucked the Scouse mackems off Oh aye, RIP Kev.
  7. Goalkeeping as a whole has improved massively over the past couple of decades. You donā€™t see many howlers these days (bar the few odd ones with their feet)
  8. My dad tried to chin him a few years ago when he came out of a caravan in new mills estate off his box on marching powder (Gazza, not my dad). But no, heā€™s still alive and still a complete mess.
  9. Kevin Campbell has died. Awful news (On a separate note. Given wasn't quite as good as people remember)
  10. ā€œHello, is that Frank? Kyril here, how you doing? Good stuff. Listen Frank we know youā€™re looking for work and we have a vacancy here weā€™d love you to fill and we were hoping you could give us an idea of salary requirements, staff numbers etc. How much? Whatā€™s that Frank youā€™re breaking up. Heā€™s gone, thank fuck. Speakman, go and tell Dodds to get the tactics ready and tell him he has the 36p out of the swear jar for players. Also, tell him I traded Jobe to spurs for a curly wurly.ā€
  11. My dad was a staunch labour voter up until Corbyn (heā€™s not voting for a fucking commie etc). Then he bought into the populist shite of Farage and heā€™s never looked back, despite me pointing out that Farage would dismantle the very socialist NHS that has bought him and my mam 20+ extra years. Itā€™s mental to think that South Park actually nailed the public attitude to immigrants and how easy it is to twist them up to it. 80 years after D Day and weā€™ve learned absolutely fuck all from WW2 it appears.
  12. Hello and welcome to city wok. May I take your order please?
  13. Millwall keeper passed away suddenly, only 26. lots of ex pros (Mark Crossley) and others saying Kevin Campbell has passed too but canā€™t see anything official.
  14. Similar with me. I sometimes pipe up but itā€™s not really worth it and a waste of time anyway. Out of my mam, dad, and my lassā€™ parents, my dad is the only one I can have a reasonable conversation about politics etc with
  15. My dad isn't really that way inclined but he's old now and has slowly been brainwashed but like Darth Vader, I know there's good in him. (politically). Take away politics, (and he doesn't rant on like a gammon anyway), he's just a good bloke. No way, other than the odd comment where my feelings are known, am I pushing it.
  16. Write him a letter, petal. KCG 5-1 Braveheart Close Glesgae North Britain.
  17. Iā€™m happy to say that Ma Fist is still a rabid socialist at 84. She refers to Sunak as The Mantlepiece because you could rest your elbow on himā€¦ ā€¦ sheā€™s 5ā€™0ā€.
  18. I would. Two of my sisters aren't talking to me as it is
  19. I'm not exaggerating and have mentioned this before but it is permanently on at my in-laws, obviously can't speak for when we're not there but every time we go around it's on. I was there on Thursday but it was just the MiL and it was on. I don't say as much to them but I just ask them to turn the volume low 'so I can hear them' and on Thursday just walked in and turned it down myself. Trouble is my dad sometimes watches it, when it's on there I do the same or make some remark. I popped up last Saturday but my Mam was out with my sister so there was just my dad and it was on. I went into the kitchen to make a cuppa for us and when I got back it was on sky news. I never said anything but I was a bit like..... Small steps. He used to read the mirror and slaughter the Tories when I was a kid but started getting the mail around 20-30 years ago and also him being ex-forces helps as they play on that stuff when the truth is they couldn't give a fuck about the plebs who are in the ranks especially before and after their service. It's hard to go too far as I don't want to cause bad feeling in their latter years. (I'd never forgive myself).
  20. Find it quite odd that Alan Bates has accepted a knighthood given the number that the establishment has done on him and his associates.
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