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  3. Persistent rumours that we are interested in Morgan Gibbs White. Great player, but unless he's Bruno's replacement I can't see it myself.
  4. He’s on a free and we’ve just freed up £50k a week by releasing Jeff Hendrick. I don’t care if he’s shite, it would be worth it for the fewm.
  5. You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
  6. Ronaldo scoring his 130th goal for Portugal tonight 🤯
  7. Well, well, well. Another Everton moment from Gemmill.
  8. Since this was announced earlier, this Ciotti's party has all told him to get fucked. 2 of his Senators have resigned, loads have spoken out and said they want no part of this alliance, and it's actually potentially worked in Macron's favour.
  9. The map this produces. He's right. 38% vote should not result in this. Still, it's funny.
  10. Aye but the FA is still pining for Liverpool, everyone’s (ie. Half of Liverpool, some of Ireland and a subsection of wales) favourite plucky underdog. They can’t disadvantage them any further than the poor, skint cunts already are.
  11. City have won six out of the last seven league titles. A two horse race would be an improvement.
  12. You realise that’s David Dickinson in my display picture, aye? Tbf he looks his age, and I also look his age. Also, some offence taken.
  13. There is absolutely no way youre only two years older than me. No offense.
  14. My uncle has a dvd. But it was one my cousin did from footage on vhs I think as a birthday present for his dad. I’ve watched it before but I think it was just highlights of both legs
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