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  1. Past hour
  2. The first rule of politics is to never, ever stand close to a blank sheet of paper.
  3. He’s so shit at this it’s untrue.
  4. Always quite fancied his mum.
  5. Today
  6. I saw them both a couple of weeks ago at the Leeds Marathon which is now named after him. He didn't look great. You knew it was going to come soon but its still a serious punch in the face. I was a season ticket holder at Headingley for 12 years and remember Rob breaking through into the first team. I went to the game yesterday and the atmosphere was wank despite beating the six fingered cunts down the road.
  7. Ah, I’m gutted to hear that. I guess everyone knew his life would be seriously curtailed by the disease but it’s still horrible news. Like ewerk alludes to, him and his former captain Kevin Sinfield did loads to raise money and awareness about the disease in a way that totally transcended Rugby League (and sport in general to be honest).
  8. An awful illness to have but by god did he do a lot with the time he had. Absolute legend.
  9. https://www.skysports.com/rugby-league/news/12196/13146204/rob-burrow-leeds-rhinos-rugby-league-legend-dies-aged-41-after-suffering-from-motor-neurone-disease 😢
  10. Not to mention putting his brother in the House of Lords and trying to knight his father.
  11. She’s still hoping Johnson is going to fire a bastard up her. That’s where her political position is IMO. Based on zero factual evidence but I’m pretty sure it’s true.
  12. While I think it’s a disgrace, what impact does the dozy cunt think it’ll have. People normally vote for parties rather than individual candidates anyway. He’s as stupid as he is desperate. I expect the BBC will now make this their headline for the next couple of days?
  13. Yeah. She’s an absolute fucking cunt. But she’s not going achieve much with her lies imo. It also shows why Labour have been so cautious prior to the campaign, because this is what they’re up against from the supposedly impartial BBC. Let alone the openly right wing press. Just look at the people she’s supported in all but name and the damage they’ve done to this country.
  14. Saw that earlier. Electoral calculus gives him a 3% chance of retaining his seat.
  15. She Reay is like Goebbles. In that snip she implies MRP polls are less reliable than others, even though the exact opposite is true. MRP polls are typically correct to a few seats. Oh well, all she's going to do, if anything, is encourage Labour voters not to be complacent.
  16. I wouldn't count on that based on my limited experience with American Healthcare 🍭
  17. Rangers used to do that too when Murray owned them and they had the money - stopping development of Aberdeen/Hibs/Hearts etc by just buying their best players then leaving them yo rot.
  18. This has to against some kind of electoral rules?
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