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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Thesports editor would be one Bill Bradshaw who is a mackem, then it explains a lot doesnt it! Bill Bradshaw's not to blame, he's a really good bloke* I know him. * For a mackem You've got a Makem mate? fuck off He's not a mate, he's someone I used to work with when I was a kid. I sent him this email two days ago, he hasn't responded yet. Hi Bill I don't know if you remember me but I used to work in your offices when you were editor of The Journal, I was only 17 or so at the time, and you were always a really decent bloke towards me. I was on office junior there and used to assist your PA Sarah, you will remember me because I used to take the piss out of that homosexual Chris Hastings every day and he complained. I've noticed your career has taken off since then massively and well done, The Express is obviously one of the most widely respected and largest newspapers in the country. Now I know you're a Sunderland fan, but whenever I used to chat with you, or I've seen you since on the Sunday Supplement, whenever you've mentioned NUFC you have always been fair and balanced, and it could be because you were from an era when Newcastle and Sunderland supporters had a lot more respect for one another. Which is why I'm shaking my head at the disgraceful vitriolic nonsense from "The Voice of Football", (I know more about football than this cretin and I do) Mick Dennis. Mick Dennis is an idiot, and someone who clearly prostitutes himself as a wind up merchant, or a controversy seeker in order to gain interest in your sports pages. It's either that or The Express have decided to go down an anti-Newcastle United path. Either way he's got no self respect in my view, and no professional integrity. I would like you to read his article about Newcastle United's disloyal fans Bill, and tell me what you think. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/167776...s-still-deluded 43,000 average gate and we are disloyal, despite this being the largest average any club has had outside a top flight division, anywhere on earth since 1974, despite Premiership ticket prices, despite being utterly dragged through the mud with no money to spend. If you have idiots like this writing nonsense like he has, your captive audience will go down. The Express isn't The Star or The Sport, I'm disappointed that such drivel about my club is allowed to be written in order to pacify a Newcastle United hating nation. Best Wishes Steve He'll tow the party line and defend a fellow journalist, have no doubt about it. I'll be amazed if he says, 'Alright, Stevie mate? Aye, I completely agree, he's a total bell-end and that article is the biggest load of shite I've seen since I had a tonne of manure delivered to my back garden'. I would love to be a journalist me like especially a football journalist. Even if they asked me to write about Spurs or Liverpool I'd be unbiased, because that's how it should be regardless of any individual dislikes. Dennis and frumpy mackem Taylor obviously let their personal dislike of our club cloud their judgements, whilst others are out for controversy and a reaction, I'd put the prick Adrian Durham in the latter category. The best bet with the likes of Durham is simply not to listen, thats what will get to him, but the likes of Dennis need to be put right as he is virtually 'offering us on' with his past sniping at our support.
  2. Thesports editor would be one Bill Bradshaw who is a mackem, then it explains a lot doesnt it! Bill Bradshaw's not to blame, he's a really good bloke* I know him. * For a mackem You've got a Makem mate? fuck off He's not a mate, he's someone I used to work with when I was a kid. I sent him this email two days ago, he hasn't responded yet. Hi Bill I don't know if you remember me but I used to work in your offices when you were editor of The Journal, I was only 17 or so at the time, and you were always a really decent bloke towards me. I was on office junior there and used to assist your PA Sarah, you will remember me because I used to take the piss out of that homosexual Chris Hastings every day and he complained. I've noticed your career has taken off since then massively and well done, The Express is obviously one of the most widely respected and largest newspapers in the country. Now I know you're a Sunderland fan, but whenever I used to chat with you, or I've seen you since on the Sunday Supplement, whenever you've mentioned NUFC you have always been fair and balanced, and it could be because you were from an era when Newcastle and Sunderland supporters had a lot more respect for one another. Which is why I'm shaking my head at the disgraceful vitriolic nonsense from "The Voice of Football", (I know more about football than this cretin and I do) Mick Dennis. Mick Dennis is an idiot, and someone who clearly prostitutes himself as a wind up merchant, or a controversy seeker in order to gain interest in your sports pages. It's either that or The Express have decided to go down an anti-Newcastle United path. Either way he's got no self respect in my view, and no professional integrity. I would like you to read his article about Newcastle United's disloyal fans Bill, and tell me what you think. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/167776...s-still-deluded 43,000 average gate and we are disloyal, despite this being the largest average any club has had outside a top flight division, anywhere on earth since 1974, despite Premiership ticket prices, despite being utterly dragged through the mud with no money to spend. If you have idiots like this writing nonsense like he has, your captive audience will go down. The Express isn't The Star or The Sport, I'm disappointed that such drivel about my club is allowed to be written in order to pacify a Newcastle United hating nation. Best Wishes Steve He'll tow the party line and defend a fellow journalist, have no doubt about it. I'll be amazed if he says, 'Alright, Stevie mate? Aye, I completely agree, he's a total bell-end and that article is the biggest load of shite I've seen since I had a tonne of manure delivered to my back garden'.
  3. With Mick Dennis it's a mixture of getting a response and the fact that this oaf genuinely believes his club Norwich have a better support and it really rankles with him if, God forbid, anyone should praise a clubs fans when the club praised doesn't have someone with BBC cookery programme experience involved in the boardroom. What a plonker. Does he remember Norwich finishing third in the PL, (when football was popular!) and the club averaging 16,467? Kind of puts our 2nd division crowds in the shade, like, Mick. Getting on to the equally smug cabbagehead, Woolnough, I remember catching that God awful show he does on SKY the day after KK had left Citeh by mutual consent. Woolnoughs brief response to the news? "Brought nothing to football, will always be known as a quitter". That was it. C U N T.
  4. I might try and e-mail PUMA instead! Obviously that was aimed at Heedtastic rather than you... Err, obvious to you, maybe!
  5. Her latest headline, once again looking at any negative she can take from NUFC. I just wonder if she'll ever write about SAFC? Then again, like all mackems and Geordies, we all share one constant thing, an obsession with Newcastle United.
  6. I might try and e-mail PUMA instead!
  7. If the shirts can have red numbers again then might this mean we can get rid of the God awful huge patches on the back of our shirts?
  8. Hawksbie and Jacobs. Them two are a good larf, aint they? I could listen to their patter all day long.
  9. To be honest I got a lot of satisfaction out of last night as I was down in Nottingham for our defeat and they were completely nobbish all day, trying to herd us into some big shit room in Notts Countys ground and expecting us to stay there and be happy bunnies. Fuck that! anyway, some of their fans were arseholes and I had the pleasure of scaring one young halfwit shitless as he gave some Geordies who were in the distance a bit of stick with the usual 'aint won no silverware/Geordie cunts' type patter. Poor lad didn't realise that the two lads behind him were 'Geordie cunts' till I asked him to re-phrase himself. The words 'white' and 'sheet' come to mind. Stewards arguing the toss. Police ignoring notts pricks whilst trying to stare me out in a Village people type way. Singing '1-0 to the famous club' and virtually doing a lap of honour in front of nearly 10K more than the very next league match at the City Ground. Small time actions from a once successful club. By the way, when we finished 3rd in Div2 in '84 we had the 3rd highest average gate in the country, 29,811. Forest also finished 3rd but in the 1st division and were watched by an average 17,698, this wasn't too long from their European Cup heyday. Small time club. (And I didn't even mention them being scabs!)
  10. Has anyone ever seen an article where she slates/criticizes Niall Quinn or SAFC in general? (Obviously a daft question when her dream man, Roy Keane was there.) Has she commented on Niall Quinn sending out club Representatives to hunt down pubs/clubs in Wearside who have foreign tv stations showing premier matches? Has she commented on Quinn saying he won't tell Ellis Short to spend any more money if the crowds don't start to get any better? She is the North-East representative of her paper is she not? Or maybe she realises her editor won't take kindly to her wasting his time by giving him a SAFC story? Or perhaps she has an aptitude for anti-NUFC stories which she hasn't got for her own club? Shit article by the woman who came up with the ludicrous 'Islamaphobic' bollocks. It's almost funny, to be fair.
  11. Apparently, Steven Spielberg rang the Yeading manager asking if he could borrow the players to use them as extras in his new Viking film he was shooting near, err, Hayes and Yeading beach, , anyway, a few days later the Yeading Manager phones up Spielberg to ask how they got on, Spielberg replied, "Well they were canny enough at the pillaging............... ........But they were fucking shite at Luton!" (Anyone seen my coat?)
  12. Newcastle has to be the football rumour capital of Britain.
  13. There was always a decent German apart from the horrible Nazi. There was never any any decent 'Japs', they were just cunts, basically.
  14. Anyone ever read the Commando books? There was always a good Tommy soldier, there was always a Cad. There was always a good honourable German soldier who wanted to be friends after the War and have a drink in a Berlin Cafe, and there was always a right evil Nazi bastard. I loved it! 'Gott in Himmel!'
  15. I had this on video and must have worn the tape out on it when I was younger. I don't know if any of you remember, but ITV tried to get out of televising this game and wanted to put a Spurs game on the box instead but were told they had to by the Football League or NUFC as they had already agreed to televise it and were contractually obliged to do so, (and also pay NUFC the money). ITV's reason? Who wanted to watch a game between a good West Ham side away to a team at the bottom of the league? Would anyone pay enough money for the half time adverts? When you think of their CL coverage it seems little has changed. (This was our only live coverage of that season.)
  16. David Speedie. Nearly took Tommy Wrights head off at Blackburn, did the same at Birmingham when Kevin Brock had to be a second half emergency keeper. He kept a clean sheet all of the 45 mins too! Denis fucking Bergkamp. Ashly Cole Drogba, fuck it, just put most of the SKY 4 in this bracket. Mark fucking Hughes. Twat. Most commentators and pundits, special mention to fat louse, alan green. Allardyce. Paul fucking merson, what a total bell helmet this fucker is, if anyone needs proof of skys love of ex london players on their shows this cunt is it. Collymore, how he's on the radio as much is a mystery to me, a total prick of a bloke who is unbelievably ignorant of matters nufc. Boring to boot. Lee Dixon, the cunt. Gordon fucking Armstrong, cunt extroadinaire! Paddy Crerand, the Slaven of Manchester. Micky Thomas. Bell end. I've got to go, but will come back to this thread, there's too many I haven't mentioned yet.
  17. Hodgeson seems a vewy nice chap. Ferguson can be a twat but I like him at times. Giggs has been a great pro and never really shouted the odds like Scholes too. I liked Stuart Pierce even before he came to NUFC. Jimmy Bullard seems a laugh. As a kid I thought the Brazil side of '82 sounded fucking class, Socrates, Zico, Falcao, etc. I remember Steve Sutton being bowled over by our support in our 1-4 defeat at the Baseball ground, which was decent of him. There'll be others I can't think of off the top of my head.
  18. What can you say about dekka? He's almost becoming a parody of himself now. One thing thing to bear in mind though. It's obviously pissing him and his master off. You can be sure of that. Rule one in the school yard/workplace/bar, don't bite. Looks like we've reeled a couple of whoppers in here, like. I expect the away support to respond to someone who's 'bit' by cranking it up some more. The blokes a classic bulls knacker.
  19. Llambias has been busy cutting a few deals with the local business community trying to supplement any cash prize the football league will hand out. Our championship winning superstars could forget all about the hassle of renewing their gym fees when Kicks gym in Wallsend will give them a free years membership! Beavans of Byker will be letting our heroes dine in comfort with a free table and four chairs with complimentary table mats thrown in for our top scorer. But perhaps the most generous offer comes from the Koh Noor Indian restaurant in Newcastle's Bigg Market! Newcastle's top scorer may dine once a week free of charge with his partner* from the end of the season till 30th Dec 2010. *Offer must only include dishes from lunch special menu, and be taken before 15.00. Drinks not included.
  20. He worked with my dad at the time, I think. I know my old man said" thats such and such from wor place" or words to that effect.
  21. I love this thread. Top marks to the peeps involved.
  22. Bunch of fucking lightweights!!! I went and had a few pints and still got up sharp for work the next day! And you know what? Did I regret going? You fucking bet I did!! It was shit.
  23. Puma's made a total mess of Spurs shirt, Christ it's bad.
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