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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Dougle’s on the daytime drinkiepoos
  2. The slow nodding on the last, vacant-eyed woman. “ That’s great!”
  3. At the risk of sounding a bit Le Tissier, anyone think he’s wearing his head tampon to cover the lack of any injuries to his lug, or the tiny wound if there is actually one?
  4. Can we have that in plain Yorkshire please?
  5. At the Travelodge? As traumatic as it would’ve been for the poor staff, I’m 100% sure they’ve seen worse. Place is a freak magnet.
  6. Speaking of hot sweaty bastards, I pulled in to Thurrock an hour ago. Dashboard external temperature was showing 36°C. That’d explain me sweating like a bull in a tight Jersey earlier at Tilbury Docks. Thankfully the showers here are mint, had a tepid one to get clean, then an icy cold one to cool down. Down side- couldn’t get a North facing parking slot, so my cab is getting every fucking ounce of sunshine going. Air con on full blast, and two of these, one either side of my planet sized heed
  7. He should just send Mad Dog out to speak to the press. Picture the chaos on Twatter.
  8. Doesn’t matter- he lives in a burrow.
  9. That’s you, that is.
  10. Didn’t he have a sitcom that showed over here ages ago, or am I thinking of another droopy-jowelled, dead pan Septic?
  11. If the mountains won’t come to Mohammad, or whatever …
  12. Pics or GTF. This isn’t the sunshine fanny thread- we needs evidence
  13. I hope they gave the seats a good jetwashing before they let the sheep in… … actually- no I don’t
  14. So, Twatter has it wrong How does dropping a baby out of a window end up with burning buses and tipped Plod wagons, though?
  15. No mention of Roma involvement on the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy795we0vngo
  16. Also Lee “ Who? “ Thompson Rob “Works in Aldi” Potts Alan “ YTS” McMichael Reggie “ Not Will Still” Le Breves * these might not be their actual names, but hey, close enough
  17. Is Burtons the preferred nomenclature?
  18. News just in from Suburban Drugs Hotline… Let’s be careful out there
  19. This is just Wykiki after 2 half’s of shandeh !
  20. Cheeky fucker has more front than Christy Canyons. Are we not acknowledging “The Don” anymore, and his sidekick the Snake Oil Salesman?
  21. According to the report released today, one of the main reasons our pandemic response plan wasn’t updated after an exercise in 2016 showed flaws- too busy “planning” for Brexit. So not only was the Brexit planning an utter waste of time and money, but it played a contributory part in the deaths of 227,000 UK citizens. The entire fools gallery of chucklefucks who pushed for it, starting with Farage, and followed by Mogg, Johnson, Francois, and the rest, should be slammed in jail for treason. Oops, we can’t , because the fucking jails are full.
  22. Not if you weren’t close, no. Send a card.
  23. Don’t listen to this bloke Fish, he’s got a “lifestyle” TV for his 2nd (!!!!) Reception room (!!!!!!!!!!!!). Also, you feel how you feel. Family you’re not close to is a tricky one, especially if it’s in circumstances outside of the norm. 👍 Listen to me- I have no reception room, nor tv in it.
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