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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. You being a movie buff, surely you've seen Transformers? She's gorgeous imo, just a pity she's got ott on inking herself up. I like the implication that Transformers is a film highly sought by movie buffs. That's not quite what I meant. Besides, isn't every Michael Bay film highly sought by movie buffs?
  2. MrBass

    GTA IV

    No mention of the auto-aim problem, jump difficulty in the later missions or lack of decent missions, cars and weapons early in the game in that review though which will apply to all platforms. Xbox version should be better though due to the downloadable content. Now where the fuck is my damn postman!
  3. Or was pushed by some loud English hating American.
  4. You being a movie buff, surely you've seen Transformers? She's gorgeous imo, just a pity she's got ott on inking herself up. I've seen Transformes, but know nowt about any of the players except Jon Tuturro and that the lad has a girls name I can't remember. Shia LeBeouf or something. If I didn't know her already, I would have Googled Transformers after the scene when Ms Fox bent over the car
  5. You being a movie buff, surely you've seen Transformers? She's gorgeous imo, just a pity she's got ott on inking herself up.
  6. MrBass

    GTA IV

    Working from home today especially so I'm here when postie delivers it! [/geektastic]
  7. I quite rate Ashton. Give him a decent injury-free run and I could see him being a good replacement for Viduka tbh
  8. That`s because you`re bitter. I think it's more to do with the fact that most of you are twats of the highest order - and your posts do nothing to dispel that theory.
  9. You'll need two scart to scart leads. Connect one on the out socket from your Sky+ to the through socket on your DVD and the other from the out socket of your DVD to any of the sockets on your telly.
  10. Or if you've got an Xbox 360 you could always stream your movies across your LAN.
  11. Steady on fellas, there's no need to start trading rolly-eyes smileys!
  12. Of course he'll stay here, who wouldn't want to be in a team with the likes of Henry, Beckham and Ronaldinho!
  13. I've got an iPod touch and it's absolutely fantastic. Never used the Nokia but I doubt it comes anywhere close tbh.
  14. Wonder if they're going to update their name to something like MAMOTB Good job Mark Wahlberg's acting career is still going strong, else Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch might end up making an unexpected return too - feel it feel it!
  15. A view that has nothing to do with your scouse girlfriend of course Like I said, I couldn't care who'd won it all i was interested in seeing was a good game of football which is what we got... No-one enjoys winding her up more than me so your theory is counter-productive. To be fair though, who the fuck wants to have to listen to that lot crow about winning it again. if it was between us and them - fair enough, i'd want us to win obviously... but as we're not in it i don't care who wins so long as it's a decent game. THAT tonight was a classic cup match and anyone who says otherwise has an agenda. If Liverpool won on playing the better football then I'd say fair enough even though I can't stand the turds. But once again dodgy decisions have gone their way. Three times against Arsenal, two blatant pens for the Arse turned down, one 50/50 for Pool is given. Boils my piss. But hey, at least Craig will get some tonight so it's all good!
  16. What's disturbing about it? Most people have teams they can't stand, mine's Liverpool. No doubt they'll end up fluking their way to another trophy though.
  17. Are you letting Windows manage the wireless connection, or are you using a Belkin utility?
  18. Why can't we all just get along?
  19. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...mp;#entry119770
  20. I actually think they look pretty good. The worst looking one is the pound imo.
  21. MrBass


    Given the absence of Frank Lampard birthday cakes on Google, I'll just have to say Happy Birthday mate and be on my way.
  22. Think there's a forum where you can post bugs, might be worth a mention.
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