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  1. Past hour
  2. Rather glad I don't have Amazon Prime 🙁
  3. Rather someone who'll improve and won't demand first team football leaving money to invest elsewhere.
  4. Today
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  6. I get redirected to BigHonkingShites.com
  7. Not with that mortgage you aren’t
  8. I live near Stockport and have been to a fair few games since I’ve been down here. Dave Challinor would be a good manager for them, but much like Mowbray was a good manager for them. They will find a way to hate him and get rid of him.
  9. That fucking security certificate. Fucked my chrome on my phone and my work PC, which let's be honest is my device of choice, blocked the site on every browser I threw at it. What a week of politics for this to happen. I was like this.
  10. Who has a signed David Cameron photo.
  11. Done, let me know if you have any issues
  12. https://x.com/TheBurnleyWay/status/1799503450981499071
  13. Nice to see the England T20 team have picked up the how shit are we gauntlet thrown down by the footballers yesterday.
  14. Don’t even give them him. Even if Kuol had one leg, an STD and gingivitis still don’t flog him to Liverpool. Give them nowt man. Fuckall. Diddly squat.
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