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  2. This is the worst bit of flirting I've ever seen.
  3. In the recent Led By Donkeys clip of his career they said he looked middle aged when at school
  4. She'll be getting online for her daily JHB fix then.
  5. Would you rather own a hotel or a spreadsheet firm ?
  6. Talk TV used to be on freeview etc. it broadcast on that terrible local news station - 7 on on freeview as well as on Sky etc. But the viewing figures were so poor it’s now online only I think
  7. That is amazing. I'd think it was pretty funny if it was the other way around but not these mutants.
  8. Was just coming to post that. Honestly when you go to their house, the TV has GB News on all day. When I go to their static caravan in Keswick, when I turn the freesat on it fires up on either GB News or it used to be TalkTV but has that fell over now? Anyway, it's no wonder she's fucking mental. She hates Starmer though ("he wants open borders!"), so she'll be dismayed by this news.
  9. Gemmill's mam is backing Keith.
  10. Naah, this one is public. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/how-long-has-the-bluebell-been-a-mag-pub.1634327/
  11. they got that thread hidden away in the secret bit mate?
  12. Today
  13. Merge with the Tories down the line, liquidate Reform's assets and he's quids in.
  14. Boehly will need to sell another hotel to compete here.
  15. This is beyond desperate like. The culture war failed because people care about money in their pockets much more. This is likely to backfire imo but the campaign is going so badly that they’re just giving it another go
  16. Get a decent pension too don't you? And a redundancy payment when you eventually lose at the polls. You might be right here that this is just feathering his nest for retirement.
  17. It's fucking WILD btw that at the time of the Brexit campaign Farage would have been 4 years older than I am now. He's looked 60 for 20 years.
  18. This is it for me. I don’t think he’ll cross to the Tories and/or become their leader. I do agree it’s plausible but I think it’s more likely they’ve done extensive research into where they regard is the best chance of him winning. You mentioned the previous research commissioned by Banks. What I think will actually be in Farage’s mind is a seat in the commons to replace his former EU grift. He’ll use it as a platform to constantly be on GBeebies, etc. and rinse the expenses to the hilt. He’s not a serious politician. He’s a populist con man who says everything is shite without any solutions
  19. How pathetic is this btw? I hope people remember Brianna Ghey. The conservatives campaign couldn't be more pathetic if you tried.
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