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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  2. Username change required for you, CSD. 'Son-of-Leazes' ok for you?
  3. One of the downsides to to mobile phones is adult 'Kids' with videos on them.
  4. Quote Please, someone make him go away.
  5. I really can't understand anyone wanting to watch it.
  6. Same, I'm more thinking about the horrific end to the old dear in London to be honest. RIP both of them.
  7. I'll leave it for now, Fisty in case I need it when I'm older.
  8. You put a daft pic yet there's no pleasing some people, I mean, in this life, there's been heartache and pain, I just don't know if I can face it again.
  9. Pardew's a busted flush and he, (and everyone else), knows it, as Chez says, at best he's average but has went stale, at worst he's just a bit shit. To be fair you'd need to be super energised working in Ashley's football club and you can only keep it going so long if at all.
  10. Meanwhile, in Boldon.......... "I've caught another one, Petal, put another couple of bottles in the fridge foriz, cheers."
  11. I'd completely forgotten about the 'sit down'. (Although to fair, loads used to sit down anyway at half time). Daft thing to think about, but just after that 0-3 game I was thinking that would've been the last NUFC game Jackie Milburn heard about before he died, a poxy 0-3 game v Coventry and us bottom of the league as I'm sure he passed away the day after.
  12. We'll get beaten at Southampton, it's as simple as that.
  13. Those days are gone, by and large. I remember losing 0-3 to Coventry and it seemed half of the usually more Genteel West Stand stood up and gave McKeag and co some shit, let alone the rest of the ground. It's a different crowd these days, there would've been protests before and after games every game had this parasite turned up and did even half the shit he does now, back then.
  14. It probably would be fine in the office but you're working on a building site in the middle of Leeds next to the Gay quarter. How do you think that's going to turn out?
  15. How many times do the present fans 'Make themselves heard' though, Rob? It was a good effort v Cardiff but it really does need voicing at games regularly, The supporters for change mob boycotted the games and made themselves visible whereas the likes of myself who boycotted don't, (Stevie has let on he's chucked I think?). It's hard to call, People will say he's not spoiling my support for the team but my own ship sailed a while ago and I'll be back the first game he's gone and the fumigation starts with his lickspittles in the corridors and the bench are turfed out. (I'm sure there's a few sturdy lamp posts around SJP?)
  16. 49,000 there v Palace. Don't go to games and unwittingly endorse this fat Cunt's running of our club. There's not much else you can do. Have the courage of your convictions if you feel strongly about it.
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