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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. The story is backed up by a quote claimed to come from Cisse’s agent, Guido Nickolay; ‘Papiss is interested in several Russian clubs but I wouldn’t want to say exactly which club would want to buy my client as it would not be very correct on my part’
  2. "made of stone", Shane Meadows directing....funny and epic is hard to pull off, but Shane nails it. If you don't mind their music go and see it bacause its funny as fuck, if you love their music the scenes from last years Warrington gig will probably make you cry....
  3. Am doing 4 till 0115 at the moment with an hours commute either side too....find it easy, in bed for 0230, up between half 9 and half 10, which is a lot more sleep than I get on days.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22715685 Am off the the premiere screening at Poole Lighthouse tonight and then seeing them at FP a week tomorrow.....
  5. The Fifa thing is looking more and more ludicrous....look at Brazil's results in their games since the last world cup...they've hardly been beaten! http://uk.soccerway.com/teams/brazil/brazil/349/matches/
  6. Brazil aren't pulling up any trees tbh...piss poor way of measuring things, but England are 7th in the Fifa rankings, Brazil are 19th. Even taking the vagaries of the Fifa system into consideration, that's piss poor.
  7. they wanted rid of Pulis:lol: they'll be much the same next season as they have been since they came into the league....only a bad run away from relegation... thing is, Hughes has been told to cut costs, 80million on players got them a cup final and 8 games in Europe...not a big return for the chairmans money..
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22710396
  9. http://www.footballshirtculture.com/sponsorship/southampton-announce-adidas-kit-deal.html Southampton now supplied by Addidas.....great rumour going round here at work is that it will soon be "SOUTHAMPTON RED BULLS" Red Bull sponsor 6 clubs as we speak, all play in red and white, all supplied by Addidas...and as yet they dont have a presence in the premier league Dont know how accurate the 6 club thing is, NY and Salzburg are the only two that come to my mind..
  10. 8....put Ibrox twice, once for Villa Park
  11. I was referring to Krul possibly moving, not to who his succesor may be. That is for finer minds than my own...plainly....
  12. If a club gets relegated and don't get promoted in the next 4 seasons, that's £48 for a start. Not sure where theyre getting the other 12 mill from, dounbt if championship tv money is as much as that?
  13. Parachute payments are now 48 million quid over four years....that's fuckin astounding iyam. That's at least a gift of 12 million for possibly not even trying a leg to stay in the division.
  14. What like our more than half decent left back joining Liverpool a couple of years back?....
  15. We may need a keeper.... as Andrew said if the Liverpool lad goes to Barca...stranger things have happened...I've also been told from a very good source that Krul's agaent is a fuckin bastard and has been trying to get him away from the club for some time..needs a payday..
  16. Oh yeah!..good old, err.."Terry"...remind me who he plays for again, seems to have slipped my memory...
  17. I'm sorry, did you miss the meeting where Mike Ashley was deemed to be an utterly useless cunt?...was around May 2009 iirc...
  18. Ok I'll say it....wtf is a dlp?....and would Klopp use it during a coaching session?...if not, I don't want to see it on this board again, capice?...
  19. or even when they won it in 74?....
  20. wonder where the inspiration came from?....
  21. Robbens bottled that. Should've scored.
  22. Dortmund 4-1 in places, but it has the be stated that Bayern won the Bundesliga by 25 points I've had a cheeky £10 on Dortmund.....in a two horse race its stupid not to
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