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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. In the first half, I kept on waiting for top quality international rightback Mathieu Debuchy to do his job and help the fucker out....he'd gone awol....even if he was playing as instructed, it was the last game of the season, why not throw caution to the wind?...
  2. They're writing a strongly worded dossier on Newcastle Online, so that's good Look on the bright side, if we carry on like this, Pardew will be sacked by the end of October.....but who does the fatman see as a replacement?....doesn't bear thinking about...
  3. Is he as clueless as the clueless bastard who has the power to sack the other clueless bastard?.... #knowyourenemy
  4. this is how we used to roll..."sack the board" anyone?....no?..thought not..
  5. If we win it could end up being 8 million...6 if we stay where we are....Fist nails it though, Ashley's a self regarding ballbag http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2326007/Premier-League-prize-money-table-final-game-2013-season.html
  6. No Willo,not even on the bench.....started last week, is he injured?...
  7. For me, the "one off" players, the ones who do things on the pitch that no one has done before and we're not likely to see again....until the next great comes along and does it in a slightly different, but equally thrilling, way.Its also important to say its those who made the most of their talent, actually achieved honours, trophies and trinkets. So its the usual suspects; Pele, Maradonna, Bobby Charlton,,Beckenbauer, Cruyff ,Di Stefano, Puskas, Gerd Muller, Platini, Zidane, Fat Ronaldo, Skinny Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Messi etc etc....for me, Beckham doesn't even make the next tier down.......he wasn't as good as Gullit, Dalglish etc etc...he's been a very good player and achieved a hell of a lot, fair play to the bloke. But he will never be more than a very good player for me.
  8. Not for me. As I said, I can think of half a dozen of his peers who could do as much or indeed more on a football pitch than him. His gift was a great one, no doubt about that, but for me to be a truly great player you need more in your locker than great delivery of the ball. I liked the way he played, am sure Fergie told him not to overcomplicate things so he never really tried to take his full back on because he didn't need to. Robert Pires would annihilate his marker, apart from being an awful diver he was a thrilling player to watch, I much preferred him tbh, but he wasn't "one of the greats" either. Polls and awards are pointless tbh, theyre about as scientific as our opinions on here.
  9. Novmeber 88....Ralph Milne started the game for manu who?...I hear all those under 40 cry....
  10. Giggs could and still does things on a football pitch Beckham couldn't dream of doing and I notice you didn't mention Figo If you were to do a completley unscientific poll of the best footballers who got a cap for any country between 1995 & 2005 I bet he wouldn't be in the top 10 am sure we could all give it a bash....think about it...
  11. And of course, we got rain for tomorrow
  12. Watch the dates son...don't do what I did, sorry, what Mrs PL did and miss the start of the season Was it you who went last year?...was it full of hairy arsed contractors drinking 17 pints in the camp bar of an evening?
  13. top tip for Jill: move to Dorset, 19 degrees and bright sunlight
  14. The odds for the top two......theyre rather short for a position that's yet to be "advertised".....is it beyond the realms of possibility that they've been sounded out and the bookies have been told?...don't really fancy Clarkie, but he does fit the Ashley criteria, apart from hes got a job atm...
  15. Thing is he was never the best player at manu or RM. There were true greats beside him. There's no way he was a better footballer than Giggs or Luis Figo, or Pires for that matter.Very good player though, often pivotal as you say (look at his contribution to manu's 2 goals v Bayern in the champs lge final...2 corners) but was he really any better, purely as a footballer, than Solano or Robert? ....tbf his attitude was, and that's what got him 100+ caps, but as a footballer he was very good rather than great.
  16. Hes out grafting tonight as it goes...say what you want about CT but he always brings home the bacon, and the shoulder, and the loin chops, and the fillet, and the belly, and the ribs......
  18. Debuchy is better than Simpson?....about time he showed it then You're a one trick pony old son. Incapable of identifying where the true problem lies.
  19. Its an error continuing employing Pardew according to you but won't put up with that though. According to you, Ashley is fucking up over something very,very fundamental to the success of the club, but you wouldnt dream of criticising Ashley. Don't understand.
  20. You're suggesting that the buck doesnt stop with him concerning anything with the SD banner on it?....thats, rightly or wrongly, not the case in the eyes of many,including whether we like it or not,the media...am sure you're right that it wasnt his idea, but its perceived as being so. Hence the mealy mouthed statement of apology. It would be interesting to see if the minion picked up their cards for pedalling that crap.
  21. Scoobos: "his price was above rubies; his toungue the law of wisdom"
  22. http://instagram.com/p/ZWP_MeEyRi/#
  23. Chelsea's theme tune put me in mind of this version of it......the footage of this is fuckin class...looks likeTerry Hall attacks an audience member around 28 seconds
  24. Theres a Morodor biog series on radio 2 atm if you can get the podcasts en la France, very good...fucker virtually invented modern dance music on his own...
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