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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. I haven't said I dont like it either, I like and admire anyone who shows talent. Making a list of "do's" and "don'ts" is sort of going a long way towards saying I might have a point though, isnt it?... just get over yourselves a bit
  2. This is where it all falls down...being over precious about your "craft", and then not being able to take stick yourselves, or getting a nark on when someone pulls you up for being offensive. You lot in comedy make these rules yourself and think you're protected by them, just because you say its that way? You all live in the real world normally, you can see that things work differently outside of your ivory towers, can't you?... I dont heckle or catcall, or get that offended by anything really. But I dont really complain when others do it either. Dont see why those in the "trade" should either. I can see how a lot of work can be ruined by drunks, but you're working in an alcohol saturated enviroment which you have no real control over, unless you are very good. Putting your head above the parapet to be shot at and then coming over all a bit harry handbag when the going gets tough is fuckin laughable man.
  3. BIG changes at the stadio del shiteio... http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/may/31/paolo-di-canio-sunderland-overhaul
  4. Thats the one, makes sense. The bloke who died on his arse had just come out the closet, poor fucker
  5. I hope the acts I saw in Hyena that night weren't on a couple of grand each; if they were they just prove my point that theres far too much cash swimming around in stand up and people are being paid for being mediocre at best I see what you're saying and on a basic level it makes sense. But I saw a bill in Soho a few years back where the compare was Rufus Hound, Milton Jones, some other gadge off the box who's name escape's me and some other bloke plainly with huge personal issues and using his spot as some sort of public therapy session. 3 of them were funny, and 3 of them were pretty soon on tv. The last guy wasn't and got a bit of good natured stick from those still listening after 5 minutes. He pretty much died. don't tell me he was getting top dollar too, or that we had to show him some respect for just "giving it a go"?
  6. So you're not allowed to stump up on a whim then,as part of an evening out, and inadvertantly make a judgement?...look, I'm aware that you may be invloved somehow in this game but you're basically saying that comedy clubs are only for proper afficionado's such as yourself who enjoy a sweet sherry or two of an evening, and people turning up on spec are only welcome if theyre pretty sober too...not that these lads who were kicked out of the Hyena were pissed, far from it, they were just easier to pick on than a stag do in order to make a point which was, as you've pointed out, irrelevent in a place that lets parties like that in. Thats not always been the case. The shite died in the clubs and went back down the pits in the old days, the rest became Les Dawson or similar. Natural selection as it were. Now its a cash fest, every jumped up prick wants in, thus we've to respect utter shit...or else. Tell me am wrong, am perfectly willing to listen, but you've not really made a case for us all to fall into line with how lot of clubs want their punters to behave. If you want paying for something, at least be half decent at it. And if you've got alcohol involved, as it always has been in this game, dont try it if you're lacking a bit of bottle.
  7. Well no, but the comparison is a poor one iyam. Especially when the vast majority of cinema's in this country dont serve alcohol. The Stand started in Glasgow or Edinburgh didnt it?.... according to Frankie Boyle's book it did. Did it have this sort of policy in those days, in those cities, before large amounts of money were to be made from this game? I fuckin doubt it So what we're looking at isnt considerate and respectful behaviour towards others, its making sure shite acts dont get intimidated by a rowdy crowd, thus ensuring the production line keeps churning out mediocrity.
  8. Think Baddiel and Newman selling out Wembley 20 years ago has a lot to answer for tbh. Too many in the game now, not only talent, but agents,clubs etc etc all looking to maximise their chances of making a shed load of money. Fair enough, that's the way things have gone, but when that comes down to picking on a couple of lads out for a pint on a Friday night and making them look and no doubt feel like criminals then its gone too far.
  9. Would the clubs survive without them though?...££££££££
  10. That night I was in there were two or three stag/hen do's in who naturally a lot more rowdy than two lads sat there having a pint and a bit of crack between themselves. Seemed like bullying to me. The act they were ignoring was a fairly unintelligible (even to me, brought up north of the border myself) Glaswegian who was ok, but lacked a bit of confidence. Think he tried to make up for it by taking a bit of "Dutch courage" beforehand too, which really didn't help. Maybe I was just in on a bad night, but it wasn't a good advert for the place.
  11. Wouldn't say I'm a regular at any comedy club, but I've been to enough over the years in different parts of the country to know that what went on was heavy handed to say the least. Seems mostly driven by the huge number of comics out there trying to make it and punters are being forced by the clubs to pay attention to them regardless of how good they are. If theyre not good enough to hold a crowd well that's a shame, and obviously its in the clubs' interest to keep the acts motivated and happy so they stick with it, ensuring the clubs keep earning too. A case of "jobs for the boys/girls"?
  12. Went to Hyena's a while ago and they kicked a couple of punters out for talking among themselves. Seems not paying the acts enough attention gets you trated like a child. Won't be back.
  13. Think we might just go up late, have a few around Camden and mooch on up in our own time...saw Dizzee Rascal at Glastonbury a few years back, he was ok actually, good for a festival, but for a Roses gig?....not for me. The others I've heard of, and that's about it.
  14. Don't know how you feel about this Jill...support for Friday: The Stone Roses Finsbury Park, London Performing: The Stone Roses, Dizzee Rascal, Rudimental and The Courteeners Support for Saturday: The Stone Roses Finsbury Park, London Performing: The Stone Roses, Johnny Marr, Miles Kane and Public Image Ltd. So Saturday gets two titans of popular music and Friday gets Dizzee fuckin Rascal and some other people
  15. Mrs PL stole in naked towards the end of the first track and screeched "ARE YOU CAMIN TO BED ENUFF AF THA FAACKIN NOISE". Bit unfair I thought but she has been on the Jack Daniels Honey. We were discussing getting matching Stone Roses tattoo's earlier....reckoned I'd get "I DON'T HAVE TO SELL MY SOUL" on my shoulder, on hers she'd get "HE'S ALREADY IN ME"..which will be appropriate in 5 mins.......enjoy......
  16. I'll see your dumper and raise you a combine harvester
  17. Because the only tosser who thought we should have white shorts was Ruud Gullit, for the brilliant reason the all the clubs/teams he'd played for, Milan,Ajax and Holland, had worn them. Its black shorts for NUFC.... since 1922 anyway... http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Newcastle_United/Newcastle_United.htm That Juve strip looks very good
  18. Constantly breaking into the partly demolished gasworks at the back of our house, quite often climbing up this rather quaint looking gasometer...
  19. And here we have the bottom line....Robson wanted to bring in Emile M'Penza....a few weeks after it was mentioned he was picking his cards up. Thats according to Robson's book, it also says Liverpool put a bid in for Shearer but the club knocked it back and kept it to themsleves. Shearers agent found out, and Shearer had a dig at Robson because of it. Robson took him to Valerenga and didnt play him, Shearer went straight to the press and had a whinge. The book doesnt say so implicity, but reading between the lines Sir Bob in all likelyhood thought that Shearer hammered a nail or two into Sir Bob's SJP coffin. I suppose how you feel about that depends on if you think Sir Bob's time was up. I think it was a fuckin ludicrous decision at the time and still do.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA8DsUN6g_k They're fuckin ace HF
  21. Not entirely sure what you mean?...Robert was even slightly better than Solano for me. Shearer should have gone around the same time they did. Shearer put a great cross in for Rob Lee at Wembley v Chelsea in 2000 and...that's it as far as I can remember. That's probably a bit unfair on him, but his crossing wasn't what he was in the team for, although in his younger and sprightlier day he had no problem pulling his marker wide and getting a ball in. I do remember him saying that though "am the best crosser at the club" not for me he wasn't...
  22. A better crosser than Robert and Solano? righty-o That's what he went around saying man!
  23. Think half of them were in the intertoto "Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me" sums up how I feel I suppose, agree with Howman, never stopped me somewhat hypocritically cheering him hundreds of times. But in the big scheme of things, I think the club suffered towards the end because of the way he was treated by those in charge.
  24. Don't mistake Shearer for a Newcastle United hero.....played 2 seasons too long just to break Jackie Milburn's record, indulged by Shepherd, Souness and Roeder. "no man bigger than the club"?....Shearer thought he was, and with help from those above him who could argue that he was treated as if he was? That pissed Bellamy off as much as anything I'd imagine. Bellamy wasn't perfect either, but when you've someone as fuckin useless as Souness blowing kisses to a clapped out Shearer I think my younger self would've reacted the same way.
  25. This would explain the talk of the Carroll deal not being dead...and fit in with the "move anyone on for a big enough profit" ethos of the current owners....again, plenty have praised Ashley for his transfers in the last couple of years. This is the other side of the coin. Guess we'll just have to suck it up..
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