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  2. Foden shoehorned into left wing so he can shoehorn a right back into centra midfield with a centre half or right back shoehorned in at left back. That’s how you win trophies
  3. Today
  4. Seeing all of these clickbait headlines "Mandy issues 2 word reply to Gordon tweet before Euros" are boiling my piss Mandy: "Good luck" Toontastic member issues one word welcome to new member: "Cunt"
  5. I just want Gordon to come back fit, I couldn’t give a shit about England.
  6. And his in my dream team so no complaints here. Gordon off the bench with the winner would do for me!
  7. You and those scat-based fantasies again
  8. Everything front footballinsider and caughtoffside is made up.
  9. Nowhere - Netflix Harrowing but decent watch.
  10. Foden won player of the season playing LW for man cee.
  11. Fuck me. TAA isn't a midfielder.
  12. Sounds like the midfield and attack is going to be ---------TAA --- Rice--------- Saka --- Bellingham --- Foden ------------Kane------------- Not sure shoehorning Foden out wide when Gordon has been MOTM in the last 2 sets of friendlies is sensible like.
  13. I enjoyed 3 Body Problem. It was different from the normal. I do worry about following seasons though. Loved Gatiss and Reece Shearsmtih cameos.
  14. The 3 body problem. Think we talked recently about hard and soft Sci Fi. This was probably supposed to be in the former category, but was riddled with so many errors and logical loopholes it made no sense at all. Enjoyed it enough but not sure I want to invest in series 2, especially given the track record of the writers on finishing previous series.
  15. I don't even get what she's trying to say with those mimed lyrics? Also wouldn't she prefer to go to the one in Philadelphia? Highly unlikely this cunt will be unseated. Which is annoying, but ultimately will be a benefit imo. She poisons everything she touches and will never be an asset for the Tories. I suspect many in Reform will simply just not like her for her skin colour too.
  16. He missed the easy riposte, that every other EU country went through COVID and the Ukraine war and we are still falling behind their economies, leaving one variable....
  17. "....and what happened then, son?" "Oh god......I even ended up working for no money in one of Suella Braverman's election campaign videos where she was pretending to rap.....sniff.....how did I get this low.....sniff....."[starts to bubble]
  18. Imagine the series of life choices you would have to have made for them to culminate in finding yourself in the background of a Suella Braverman tiktok video BTW. Trying to pinpoint where exactly it all went wrong would be almost as tragic as the video itself.
  19. It’s a shame Brian Cox didn’t ask her which economists she meant and what were their actual conclusions when she mention the mitigating factors of Ukraine and the pandemic. Because you can guarantee she was just waffling there
  20. I don't even know what to say about this. But if you're gonna do a video where you mime over a song, you have to put a bit more effort than this in. And even if you had, it would still be SHITE.
  21. When she was interviewing Streeting and he mentioned the state of the country Labour will take over, she immediately interjected that the Tories have had to endure "a pandemic and a global energy shock". To be fair to Streeting he shot back "... And Liz Truss and her disastrous mini-Budget". The BBC should replace Laura K with Victoria Derbyshire who is much more even handed with the different parties.
  22. Laura couldn't get the words 'Ukraine', 'war' and 'Pandemic' out quick enough as well as suggesting economists couldn't agree about why Cox's figures are why they are? She's fucking great, sorry, so obvious.
  23. Germany v Scotland, the MLF angle.... 🎵 Tragedy! 🎶
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