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  1. Past hour
  2. Not only are the mackems massive human rights supporters they care passionately about birds...apart from Magpies obv. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/mags-light-show-endangered-birds.1634694/
  3. Never mind that, did you find the picnic table?
  4. Today
  5. Ey up @wykikitoon ‘appen, thee/thou, whippets, bastard cyclists clogging up rural roads etc etc
  6. I think the board software update I have slated for after the euros will handle that. If not then i'll go back to the drawing board and see if its fixable some other way
  7. Reporting today suggesting that the Tories are split between whether bringing in Farage or bringing back Johnson is what's needed to return them to electability.
  8. That promo vid is beyond awfull. Fucking humming "Second skin" ffs man
  9. Aye, the real poster is Rayner with Starmer as the puppet.
  10. A lot of people aren't self-driven. Managers create outcomes, the likes of Longstaff are shite not being whipped and I'd take £20m in a heartbeat if I couldn't bullshit more.
  11. Prime have the Aussie tv rights for the cricket World Cup
  12. This board is the anti-RTG when it comes to valuing our players.
  13. It’s on sky or are you talking about something else?
  14. A new low? I'm not sure how real this is some people on the thread say they have seen it in rl, but surely not?
  15. In increasing order of severity...
  16. I dont see the value in letting Longstaff go for so little tbh. A 26 year old, experienced PL midfielder shouldnt be going anywhere for so little money.
  17. Proof that the Bay City Rollers could raise the dead
  18. I was gonna post this tweet last week, before Andrew de facto banned me, but it's been taken down now. It was surreal. A Mackem at the England match, surveying the crowd from I think near the NE corner, probably about 10,000 match attendees in his scope. He identified and zoomed into about 5 lads from a distance wearing Newcastle tops and of course started slagging them off for being gravy stained mags etc. Now I didn't realise there was an unwritten rule if you follow England you are not allowed to wear club colours even at your home ground. But maybe there is because way less than 1% were. Who really gives a shit? But who's the weirdo here. A lad in his 20s watching the match in a black and white top, or a person zooming in, filming them, slagging them off without their knowledge, and then posting it on social media? Of course, the fans of massive lads on RTG lapped it up. Sad Mackem Bastards.
  19. Leicester supposedly want Longstaff for 15 million, but that's according to the Mirror so take it for what you will. As much as I've criticised him I'd be holding out for 20m at least given the current state of transfer fees. But Longstaff seems like a good pure profit sacrifice when we have Tonali coming back, and Miley in the background, who can both do that cover ground and mopping up job.
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