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  2. And don't forget the genocide
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  4. "Hello everybody, it's us! Sunderland! Near Newcastle with your general election result for Sunderland north. But before we start, do you hate the mags anaarl? "
  5. I guess the extra fingers come in handy.
  6. Sunderland will return first as ever, around midnight, as they have to fucking prove to the nation how important and special they are. And good at counting.
  7. I'm gonna watch the exit poll then set my alarm for 1am or something and then try and watch the shenanigans. Good chance that whatever the exit poll says is gonna cause me to be wide awake and either shitting it or too celebratory to sleep though.
  8. https://x.com/brunoog97/status/1795553224922898462
  9. Funny, I’ve got a wall sized pic of Big Ben.
  10. The real tragedy of this is that I have the same wallpaper in my front room as a Tory cunt.
  11. But those fucking cunts still managed to win another fecking trophy. I really hope they finally get what they really do deserve.
  12. Different methodology on the Don't Knows apparently. No idea which is more accurate but think Theresa May co owns JL partners.
  13. They're just inexcusable cunts aren't they? It's in their DNA.
  14. Did they manage to get a glove small enough to fit on his tiny hand this time though?
  15. Been following the trial closely, currently the summing up, prosecution has the defence on toast, he's guilty as fuck. BUT this is America where OJ walked free so nothing is certain.
  16. Counts don't stsrt until 10pm so results after midnight and into the morning
  17. What time do the results normally start coming in at? I’d like to pull an all nighter but fear I’ll be way too drunk before the real action begins.
  18. Looks like Abbott has been given the Labour whip back. An hour ago the Times was reporting an exclusive that she had been banned from running. So someone is talking shite.
  19. Looking more and more like it every day. I thought Ratcliffe’s remit only extended to football operations?
  20. Do you want me to come round yours?
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