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  1. Past hour
  2. Looking forward to the Fake Sheikh secretly videoing him downing a pint of wine after explaining some trade secrets, like how to get an in-cell bar chart by using the Rept function in Excel?
  3. Fishing industry was my ‘favourite’. It was used for symbolism despite being fucking minute part of the economy as a whole. Many in the industry came out and said they didn’t care what the consequences were for everyone else if they got a better deal. Then the Tories blinked first, backed down and they got shafted like everyone else. Boo fucking hoo
  4. Minor revision with apologies.
  5. I'd rather keep Wilson. Abraham isn't all that prolific and you'd have to be suspicious of them letting him go after he did his cruciate.
  6. The NFU were very active in telling the farmers not to vote for it. But they all know better dont they. They know Diddley Squat........,...
  7. Today
  8. Great metaphor! Let's hope they go one better than the mackems and go into administration and liquidation. 👍
  9. I am actually really beginning to really start feeling optimistic again (I know). It's just such a relief that the constant lies, bull shitting and gaslighting ultimately haven't worked and they are getting their comeuppance which will be fucking brutal imo. Existential maybe. Couldn't happen to a nicer set of cunts.
  10. Must kill him to slag off his old club
  11. Perfect Wilson replacement https://x.com/GraemeBailey/status/1801230485449805982
  12. This is starting to look like the political equivalent of Sunderland hanging on for far too long and making all the wrong moves in a desperate attempt to cling on devastating them long term so when the inevitable happens they're absolutely and catastrophically fucked.
  13. Dazzler

    Eddie Howe

    He said ages ago he'd maybe consider it years down the line but has no interest now. If he went I'd be gutted, but at least Jose is in work now so that rumour won't start up and we'd end up with someone like Pochettino who has a similar work ethic/playing style. Plus, it would be nice to be able to give a shit about the national team again.
  14. I feel dirty agreeing with Souness - The scousers will have their tiki torches out for him, how dare he besmirch his beloved club.
  15. At least when this inevitably goes tits up, tory boy Ratty will be able to get him a job as the leader of the conservatives. He'd fit right in.
  16. Wonder how many of them voted for Brexit.
  17. Classic case of a bloke who can blag it well but is clearly lacking in some common sense
  18. Credit card has just dropped in today ACTUALLY 😎
  19. Lord Bethell on Sky News saying he can't work out from the Labour manifesto whether his son will be able to take his seat as a hereditary peer, is just everything you need to know about these cunts.
  20. Do what the Mackems do and just don't wash them.
  21. Obviously we'll know what actually happens 3 weeks tomorrow, but when you look back on all the shit: giving controversial figures ministerial jobs to troll people, the likes of that Brendan Clarke-Smith trolling the public on twitter, fucking Gullis screaming his head off in the Commons... Not to mention the genuine scandals. They've behaved like the kings of the world at times over the last 14 years, literally taking the piss out of ordinary people, never experiencing any consequence for any of it. It's so gratifying to see that the public is (if the polling holds and stays true on voting day) about to deliver a complete repudiation of all of it. They're properly gonna get what they deserve. It's mint.
  22. Still, at least the tories can rely on their core voters, people like farmers..... Oh.
  23. I shop in M&S and Waitrose actually. With my pants around my ankles.
  24. Just listening to Starmer here. Does anyone know what his Dad did for a living?
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