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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/24 in Posts

  1. Is this the same Sunderland who put a bid in for the potential Euro games and showed pics of Newcastle in the bid? Or the same Sunderland where in their TV documentary, (which captivated the world and made safc everybody's global second team), they showed their (briefly) manager, Chris Coleman, (when he wasn't getting threatened by one of their fans), wax lyrical about how beautiful it was was up in Sunderland as the camera panned out showing Tynemouth priory and King Edwards bay? That same Sunderland?
    8 points
  2. same photo taken with a special mackem lens...
    8 points
  3. They had a global pull after selling the pathé film reels to MGM for the documentary by William Chumley-Brewece called 'Simply Splendidly Sunderland football club from Roker Park.' Made them a fortune so they reckon.
    7 points
  4. Rodney Marsh getting sacked for making a joke about how Toon Army sounds like tsunami in the wake of an actual tsunami. If it had happened 15 years later he'd be straight on GB News decrying the woke culture at Sky which cost him his job. He'd probably have a podcast with Le Tissier called "Telling it like it is".
    7 points
  5. And also a coward who fucked off as soon as he'd emptied the country into a shit filled toilet.
    6 points
  6. The same good communicator did an interview with the BBC yesterday where he refused to answer a single question on Israel-Gaza even though he's the fucking foreign secretary. So HE can fuck off, and so can everyone on twitter that's licking his balls for being able to walk and talk at the same time.
    6 points
  7. And yet Alan Brazil is still working at Talksport after following a news report on a terrorist bombing by saying that "Wayne Rooney let off three bombs of his own last night" in response to a Rooney hat trick. Wheres the justice, Jeff?!
    6 points
  8. Maybe he means the New York near the Silverlink?
    6 points
  9. Gateshead Durham mags - the worst.
    6 points
  10. You seem unhappy. Can we help?
    6 points
  11. It’s exactly the same aye.
    6 points
  12. Apparently Lascelles’ ACL surgery went well, and he will be expected back for the 2034 pre-season. And aye I’m going to hell.
    5 points
  13. Also the great communicator that won't be held to scrutiny by the commons for ANYTHING that he's doing as foreign secretary. Easy to be a great communicator when you won't be subject to scrutiny on anything that might put you in a difficult position. Also where was this great communication during the EU referendum campaign? David Cameron is a cunt. Communication is the basic requirement for being a politician, you don't get extra marks for it, no matter how shit everyone else that's come after you is.
    5 points
  14. "Tyne and WEAR, marra. What's your is ours, and what's ours yiz dinnit want. Wuh dinnit like yews mags until wey neeyd ti yews yi much better arkeytectural triumphs to get peypal inta sun'lin. Penshaw monument just doesn't have the same impact, marra"
    5 points
  15. 5 points
  16. They’re so hung up on boundaries. Particularly ones which are 50 years or more out of date* Also have to love how a photo taken in Newcastle, showing the river the city sits by and the town on the other side of the river (part of the same urban conurbation) is the same as taking a photo of Sunderland and claiming it’s New York *Gateshead falling within the historical county of Durham. Meaning it belongs to Sunderland, despite being overwhelmingly black and white for as long as anyone can remember.
    5 points
  17. Are they claiming the Millennium Bridge now? or at least the bit outside the Baltic?
    5 points
  18. I don’t know why you’d watch him live. Or anyone else for that matter. He is obviously comedy gold when they get beat but that’s more laughing at him. Apparently his real name is Brent di Cesare from Nottingham - who now lives in Solihull.
    5 points
  19. Adam Pearson is an AI generated visualisation of what goes on in Steve Wraith's head and no one can convince me otherwise.
    5 points
  20. 4 points
  21. oh yeah. He 100% has the ability to do it but his body language, application and his behaviour this season would mean he won’t get anywhere near it. His lack of effort is actually disrespectful to the club. Love it.
    4 points
  22. It’s absolutely no different Other than Stelling’s obvious broadcasting ability the show was always fuckin shit. Rodney Marsh and Frank Mclintock ffs? Fuckin MERSON???… coaxing the likes of these into providing a modicum of entertainment confers genius status on Stelling tbh..
    4 points
  23. Aye you can stove Goldbridge’s head in for me
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. Just as well Ron Atkinson isn't getting punditry work these days.
    3 points
  26. I can't remember if they hate him yet? They soon will if he takes up that job.
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. Ironic really.
    3 points
  29. Bear in mind that the lad had been on the pitch less than 20 minutes at this stage.
    3 points
  30. Theme tune by George Formby, if I remember correctly. On a river where they currently build the boats... turned out nice again!
    3 points
  31. It's fucking true though. I read something just yesterday which almost seemed to suggest that they'd plucked him from obscurity. So fucking weird.
    3 points
  32. Is Delaney still going? He does know that "the most wealthy can keep paying whatever they want" is bollocks, doesn't he? Business is still business, and even the most wealthy investors will (eventually) want a return on their investment. All this rule change will bring about is allowing teams with owners that have the means to invest large sums into their business to grow and succeed can do so, but at a premium - a premium which would then be filtered down to the clubs that don't, benefiting them to an extent too. Also, so long as UEFA don't bow to the pressure of the PL and make it a universal thing then their rules would still apply for European competitions meaning teams like Man City and his beloved Man Utd couldn't "spend what they want". The bloke is the worst kind of idiot.
    3 points
  33. Aye. A draw would have been better for us but lovely seeing them collapse. only the 28 shots conceded today. Don’t interrupt Ten Hags progress sir Jim.
    3 points
  34. in an ocean of absolute crap, this one truly stands out as a solid gold turd. @Zathrasplease put this thread out of its misery.
    3 points
  35. There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people understand this.
    3 points
  36. I bought one of George Formby's grills a few years ago, the meat always turned out nice again.
    2 points
  37. By the way, it’s funny that they brag about having a beach (Seaburn) whereas Newcastle doesn’t. Yet they’ll have filmed that scene at Tynemouth as there’ll have been less chance of running into any mackems
    2 points
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