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  2. I bet he thought putting it in quotation marks was him taking a stand.
  3. Is he going to pay him out of the GoFundMe he setup?
  4. So, having earned my beginner wings on the way down, it got the bar with oak leaves on the way back. My route home is A249-> M2->M25 -> Dartford crossing-> M25->M11->A14->A1M->A1 Every road and junction that I needed to take , up to the A1, was closed overnight, with diversions where they let a spider with inky legs fuck a map. I was in the shit I have 9hrs driving time per shift, split in to two 4.5hr sections with a mandatory break between- every time the truck stops, in traffic, at lights, etc, the counter pauses until you move off. Normally get to Ferrybridge, or thereabouts by the end of my first 4.5hrs, then trundle home in the 2nd part with time to spare. Because of the above perfect storm of road fuckery, when my first 4.5hrs was 2 minutes from the end, I got to the end of the A10 where it meets the M11… at fucking Cambridge. Took my break, realised that if I fucking leathered it*, I’d get to somewhere between Scotch Corner and Durham and my time would be up. * this means you keep your foot down on flats and bends, and on downhills, where you’d normally use airbrakes to stay at 56ish, I’d have to let it coast and pick up speed , only braking when absolutely necessary. Went to plan, tbh, until a massive snarl up just before Ferrybridge, when I worked out that I’d get to Durham or Washington services as my time ended. ( there’s and option to then take another 45minute break, where you cannot move the vehicle at all, and you get 1 more hour of drive time). Made it into Washington with 6 minutes left, parked up, hit “rest”, bacon buttie time. I thought I was home and dry, until I approached the Tunnel, and saw ahead an absolute whopper tootling along in a clapped out Transit, which was belching clouds of thick black smoke, like its tyres were on fire I thought “no way they’ll let that cunt through …” and then watched as they didn’t even look at him as he sailed in to the Tunnel and began filling it with thick black smoke. I was in the left lane, as my wagon is too high to fit through on the right lane, as was Smoky, who was one car ahead. The lad in between us lasted 30yds, then nipped in to the right lane and passed him. As we got to the flat in the middle, I was expecting him to speed up a bit for the hill out… … cunt slowed to running pace, smoke got thicker, and I thought “ He’s not going to make it up the hill” He got even slower, literally walking pace, ( I was going at 4mph behind him), when he put his hazard lights on. I honestly thought he was about conk it there and then, we’d have been stuck behind until the break down and ambulance ( because I would have got and gone MLF on him) arrived. Made it back to the yard with 20 minutes left
  5. Dunno if you're just being obtuse for a laugh, but I remember when "being friends on facebook" was some silly almost geeky thing. The amount of times I'd meet someone on a night out and become their friend on facebook was ridiculous. People just accumulated friends as a social game of one-upmanship. It wasn't serious at all. It was a throwaway website where we organised a Uni night out or shared photos of a Uni night out. Now it's this leviathan that's trampled it's way into political discourse. I do think someone with a link to fascist agitators shouldn't be anywhere near British politics, BUT it's ridiculous to me that facebook holds this much weight.
  6. The design and functionality of orifice furniture are vital for enhancing productivity, comfort, and health in the workplace. Ergonomic desks and chairs help prevent common injuries like arse pain and shaft strain, ensuring employees maintain good stroke rate throughout the day. This promotes both physical well-being and efficiency, as furiously wanking employees are more focused and productive. Different types of office desks, such as standing desks and L-shaped desks, cater to various needs and perversions, optimizing jizzflow and space usage. Ergonomic chairs provide necessary support and adjustability, crucial for long-term cranking. Thoughtfully selected office furniture not only boosts productivity but also contributes to a sticky and savoury work environment, enhancing overall job satisfaction and workplace morale.
  7. It's still hard to believe that these days we are not one of the favs to go down.
  8. West Ham don't play a game outside of London until November 😂
  9. Today
  10. Bitch, it was reposted by a political account that I follow, HACTUALLY.
  11. Not really. Politicians standing for election and being pally with right wing nut cases is rightly being called out
  12. Fucking reprobate. She should be made to pick up every crumb, and I should be the one to supervise it.
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