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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/23 in Posts

  1. This game had it all: Ice man returns Miley quality Bruce era Lascelles returns Bruce era Joelinton returns Lascelles redemption arc Joelinton redemption arc Schär class Bruno masterclass AG assist and goal Needless Ritchie yellow Dummett slide tackle Yellow cards galore Red card Youth debuts
    9 points
  2. I just don’t get the hype around Enzo Fernandez, Miley played him off the park today and they paid £120m for him plus Chelsea fans go on like he’s the best CM in the league . We surely have to stick with Livramento and Trippier at full back going forward, we look more assured and offer more going forward. Gordon with another excellent showing. Chelsea really didn’t offer much tbh, we’re far better than them based on that.
    7 points
  3. Joelinton. Having a stormer. You know. It's times like these that I learn to rely on my view of the players. And not you clueless wannabes.
    7 points
  4. Today’s fucking “stick” and he expected it chucked 🙄
    7 points
  5. 7 points
  6. I think he's fucking class and he can do something none of the rest of our midfield does - carrying the ball at pace.
    6 points
  7. There were a couple of clangers but considering we just mullered a nearly 1bn-value side with three keepers on the bench and barely broke a sweat, you have to say...that Chelsea are really, really fucking shit Howay the lads, bring on PSG, we'll play Karius at CB and still beat them.
    6 points
  8. Funny club Chelsea. You have that old skool support of theirs. Then you have all the ones who’ve latched on to them since Harding, then even more so with Abramovich. Yet they all manage to come across as proper fucking cunts
    5 points
  9. Playing a big part for an Eddie Howe team playing good football, and he goes home to his lasses massive bangers. I would be buzzing too
    4 points
  10. Tino looked defensively comfortable at left back. I’d keep him there. I liked the look of Alex Murphy when he came on. Miley is going to have to play 3 games in a week v Chelsea, PSG and Man Utd. Mental. An injury crisis always brings the young players through.
    4 points
  11. Personally speaking I never doubted them. Great pair of lads. He's absolute cacka this kid. How the fuck he gets in the England squads is beyond me.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Until today, no... Bloke with his two daughters - I began respecting him as he had an attitude and demeanour I'd not previously seen anywhere near Fulham Broadway. After about 10 minutes I got the feeling the absent missus was upstairs with Monkey's Fist's mate at the Malmaison.
    3 points
  14. Loved that. Miley was top drawer, did a great job standing in for Longy. Let's hope there's some good news on available players by the time we take on PSG
    3 points
  15. That has to be Miley's best performance for us, and not just because of the assist. He was composed and mature throughout. It would be nice to have Longstaff back for PSG, but we'll just have to go again with what we have if not. I'm just praying that Willock hasn't completely banjaxed his achilles again, and that it's only a relatively minor set back for him. Oh and Chelsea are fucking shite. All their pundit and social media supporters were creaming their pants because they managed to score four against Citeh, but that was clearly a freak occurrence.
    3 points
  16. If you shout I’ll give you a wave from Forest Hall! Ma Fist’s birthday so I’ll be otherwise engaged. Look for the pointy headed bloke going for a piss every 15 minutes, that’s CT.
    3 points
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