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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/21 in all areas

  1. Christ, whenever she hears it now, it must send her west. PTSD in the bread aisle in Tesco.
    6 points
  2. I'm not particularly doing ok myself if that's any mitigation, and I will vote - I'll be going SNP (which is as good a non-Tory vote as you can get in Scotland). Brexit has had a fantastically damaging impact on both my personal and professional life - the industry I predominantly work within has been slammed with cuts, job losses and redundancies, so much so that I've not been able to find permanent employment now for two years - as a consequence I've been working freelance in consulting which has just about managed to keep my head above water but prevents me from building towards any kind of stability or getting a foothold at all - I'm also relying on generosity to some extent here and there so all in all, it's been professionally (and psychologically) devastating. I'm also in a relationship with someone who is an EU citizen who doesn't qualify for permanent settled status (although thank Christ we got pre-settled status, but she has some particular health considerations that I'm not entirely sure she's entitled to be able to handle over here anymore and trying to figure the whole bastard thing out is driving me up the wall). So please don't think I'm just sitting in my ivory tower being uncompromising for the sake of the argument, I'm not. Starmer is the one abandoning me, not the other way around. And I get his reasons, but my situation and the situation of a number of people I care about isn't improved remotely by a pro-Brexit Labour party and I don't see why my voice in all this shouldn't matter. This argument is just my argument backwards, which is fair enough but there's not much further we can go with this. In my view, he's not going to win over a significant number of red wall voters and he's potentially going to cost himself a significant number of urban remain voters. I am certain that the calculation is based on the fact that Labour smashed those seats so hard he can afford to lose them, but I reckon total votes is going to drop for Labour next time out. Not entirely sure this is a positive sign for the party. Trying to talk to two sides that, ideologically, are fucking miles apart. It's not just Brexit either. It's "patriotism", it's values, climate change, lockdowns, the future of the economy, Britain's place in the world, all of it. It is an irreconcilable divide IMO. Even if the Tories literally sink the country, I don't think it'll matter.
    3 points
  3. Whatever happened to Mancmag?
    3 points
  4. I find it a bit depressing when good people on here say they won't vote. Not everyone is doing ok or can just fuck off. I know it'll be said in frustration in the main but we've just got to get these cunts out. Anything else can just wait.
    3 points
  5. 'MF! Don't just put that loaf in!!! Check the date on it!!!......Eeeee! Do hear that? It's 'Martha's Harbour' remember when you could get it up? Them were the days, you old dog......What a shame.....Never mind. What's for tea, anyway?'
    3 points
  6. Bloke down Tynemouth market is doing the Oxford Vaccine for £2 a shot. Or three for a pfizer!
    3 points
  7. Watching re runs of TOTP...remember both of these.. After the gonks forgot to run the vocal track on their first visit they were invited back the following week when Julianne Regan did it live....one of the greatest TOTP performances...
    3 points
  8. Apparently the lad behind her had a crush on her.
    3 points
  9. I mean, you couldn't script this stuff.
    3 points
  10. Seriously, what a bumch of petty cunts.
    3 points
  11. Aye every time I get into my VW I can feel the #lambo like
    3 points
  12. #SameName #SeeWhatIDid #Words
    3 points
  13. I hope things improve for you soon Rayvin. I've been relatively cushioned from the shitshow, but really I think nearly all working age people have been negatively affected to some extent. I do try to remember that most people are relatively left leaning and that increases the younger you get. Imo FPTP has utterly ruined this country in a similar way it has in the States. And now as a result we are now witnessing what a devastating effect poor leadership can have on a nation. Like an alcoholic, maybe we need to hit rock bottom before we can totally rebuild. Question is, how far are we from that?
    2 points
  14. It not about commiting to FoM. Starmer this morning specifically committed to NO FoM. He didn't need to do that, it smacks of pandering to the right wing cunts that got us in this mess. Neither is it pragmatic, because I was right behind him and now am not. Rayvin too, doubtless millions of others. His stance on Scotland was equally pathetic. Just reinforces the view that he has no backbone at all. Blair was a pragmatist, but he had a moral compass he believed in which you either could get on board with or not. What does Starmer represent? Nothing, nothing at all. Greyer than the grey man.
    2 points
  15. Love that song- if it came on, my lass at the time knew she was about to get rattled
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. They look just the job, actually
    2 points
  18. This is fine as well... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-visa-free-work-musicians-eu-brexit-b1784600.html
    2 points
  19. Mackem nonce grows his hair and goes MAGA...
    2 points
  20. Steve: "Fantastic effort today from the lads against a very tough opposition that noone gave us a chance of beating, especially me. Now we just have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and pick ourselves up to prepare for the next match against a very tough opposition."
    2 points
  21. As someone has previously pointed out in response to him banging on about it being the UK’s premium energy drink, the cans are the only thing that is made in the UK
    2 points
  22. I’ve just had to break the news that there’ll be no chicken dippers for tea. Wife’s in tears, thanks @Ant
    2 points
  23. Right, once again for the slow of learning: Brexit is TOXIC for Labour. If there was one thing to take away from the last election it was that. Starmer doesn’t want it to be an issue next time out. If he pledges now to introduce FoM as PM then the next Tory leader will use it as a stick to beat him with repeatedly. You don’t win elections by walking into the opponent’s trap.
    1 point
  24. My mate commutes Corbridge to SBC HQ at Newtown St Boswells I think there won't be a Labour government till the 2030s...its not like Major fucking it up after Thatcher and letting fresh faced neo Tory Tony in...the country has been radicalised...no point being harsh on Starmer, he's probably thinking he's made a massive mistake just taking the job..
    1 point
  25. Starmer was fucking pathetic on Marr this morning. Running scared of the so called red wall. Arsehole. He doesn't need to pander to these people now, he doesn't need to do a 180 turn and rule out FoM forever. He just needs ro let the disaster that is the UK unfurl and pick up the baton in 3 years, after assessing the landscape. This country is fucked. I am seriously thinking of moving just North of the border and commuting in after Scotland gets independence, aided and abetted by Starmer. With distance working in the offing, its pretty feasible.
    1 point
  26. It’s not just Quiff that laces the Kamagra these days.
    1 point
  27. Where will the remainers go though? I think most people are resigned now to the fact that we’ve left and we won’t rejoin any time soon. Politicians have to acknowledge that Johnson secured a mandate for his shitty hard Brexit at the last election. All that is left is to just take some pleasure in pointing out to leavers that they got what they voted for when things go tits up.
    1 point
  28. I think it’s such a sticking point for the thick, racist, wanker floating voter he hasn’t got much option, sadly. I can totally see why you would feel that way though
    1 point
  29. I couldn’t give a fuck what he says now. I want him to win then I’ll judge him on what he does if he does. We’ve seen what the right will stoop to. Imagine this country if the tories have another term after this one.
    1 point
  30. Would’ve loved to have seen his tweet about being banned on twitter though
    1 point
  31. True enough. Carroll had a canny game tbf but he should’ve buried at least one of those chances
    1 point
  32. The so-called elite level of football, and this bloated turd is still somehow stealing a living
    1 point
  33. This appears to be good news.... https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-pfizer-vaccine/pfizer-biontech-vaccine-appears-effective-against-mutation-in-new-coronavirus-variants-study-idUSL1N2JI2LZ
    1 point
  34. Just why though? I fucking hate them.
    1 point
  35. I was just about to post this. Serial liars.
    1 point
  36. Wouldn’t like to be caught needing a shite in those trousers mind.
    1 point
  37. My sister painted this picture of David Bowie for my brothers Christmas present. Mad skills.
    1 point
  38. #manufacturing - that’ll boost this tweet’s impressions for sure
    1 point
  39. I chuckled at every one of those hashtags the much-searched-for #automotive
    1 point
  40. Dunnes in Ennis have run out of ladies underwear, according to Todd Unctious.
    1 point
  41. Michael Apted. 7 up? More like 6 under.
    1 point
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