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  2. Glass half full. 63% aren't buying it. Much higher in younger demographics.
  3. Think he will be the leader of a new centre right (read far right) party called "Conform". I still have enough faith in the populace to believe this party could not win an election though.
  4. This was my point from the other day - the idea a tory wipe out means the end of cuntishness and the dawn of a "progressive" future is nonsense. Note that Labour have had to pander to that cuntishness on immigration, trans rights and brexit just to get to 45% as well.
  5. If he’s arsed enough then his next quest could be PR. It’s the only way Reform become a force. I think he’ll go back to the sidelines (possibly USA) after the election though. You’re right about his being dangerous and indulged though. Like the lesson should’ve well and truly been learned. This is where I agree with SpongeBob and Rayvin about the dishonesty re: Brexit. Because in the case of Farage, he should be hauled over the coals for the pup he sold. Then taken to task about his inevitable ‘version of Brexit’
  6. The Italian version of that Adidas originals jacket we're getting looks the dogs bollocks.
  7. There's still 37% who think Reform or the Tories are the best choice. People are idiots
  8. This is my biggest worry about Starmer, if he doesn't achieve much in the first term because he is too timid to face the actual huge problems the country has, the Tory Party will still be fucked and the public are stupid enough to give Farage real power
  9. You will not be missed. "I would not like to comment on that, because I am mentally set for the national team. However, I am aware of various noises. Teammates ask me about it, agents call me. Yes, there is some truth to that. There was some truth in that last year as well. But you see, I stayed at Newcastle United." "If there is no official offer on the table, I don't deal with it. That's how I took it even when I was still in Sparta. At the moment, everything is only in the noise stage." "It's hard for me to comment on that, because I get information from the newspaper about who we are signing. If I'm honest, I don't care what happens anymore. I defended my place and did my best for the club." "If they decide to bring someone else, I won't influence it anymore. This is currently on the sidelines, I'm trying to concentrate on the national team now. I put the rest out of my head."
  10. I used to quite like him but he's fucking hopeless politically, needs to go out to pasture. Fortunately O'Brien starts on LBC at 10. Farage is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. Being allowed to pollute the air waves, unchecked. As Gemmill says, he will sway a large proportion of the feeble minded, especially older people. But Hitler started out as a fringe politician of course. As I alluded to yesterday, he's another reason to hate the tories, rather than fight him head on, they have lappeased him, let him infiltrate their party from within, and now seemingly refuse to actually even challenge him. He will destroy them completely. Then what happens?
  11. Good luck to the kid for making a living as a professional footballer throughout the leagues but it's a damning indictment of the mike Ashley era that one of those clubs was us.
  12. Deleting replies would have trashed other people’s posts. She was happy with what was done. tbh I don’t think she was too controversial on here … the previous board might be a different matter but that was lost big time when those forums caved in. i think the worst she had to deal with on here was SMO trying (and failing) to get a rise out of her
  13. Today
  14. It does become a concern when he's everywhere on the airwaves. The bloke is a proven snake oil salesman, and he's very good at it. He'll start brainwashing the dopes from all age groups if he's given enough air time. I still think he's destined to only ever be a fringe character, but he's a fringe character that's given far too much exposure by the media in the name of ratings. They get him on to say mental shit, and then punish right thinking presenters for calling it out when he says mental shit.
  15. How the fuck is Gosling only 34? That must be in Chancel Mbemba years, shirley?
  16. They’re not nearly pink enough.
  17. apparently he was on 30k at bournemouth so they won't be massive. a juicy signing on bonus, perhaps
  18. It’s looks like a huge section of the Conservative Party have shown their true colours and have migrated to Reform. i suspect some of right centre might also vote for them in protest over their disaster of a party as well. What a mess. Labour are playing everything safe in the lead up to this. They don’t particularly impress me but I hope it’s just a play to get into power.
  19. IMO The Jocks get a result tonight and get a draw.
  20. Farage on Nicky Campbell show on R5 getting a soft interview. Urghh, this is horrible.
  21. Nice post about Mr Kelly, Mr Kelly 😎
  22. I think he's a very prudent signing. Hopefully better player than Burn, certainly better than Dummett on a free transfer which allows us the freedom to make a £60m bid for Olise (which unfortunately I can't see happening but still it shows we have the funds). What's not to be willy wave about?
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