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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/20 in Posts

  1. I have thought quite a bit about this Cummings debacle and quite clearly he should sacked or should resign, but I don’t really care if he does or doesn’t. I realise the argument that if he doesn’t then it sends a signal that there is one rule for us and one rule for them but, that is the reality, and this episode unequivocally proves this. I’ve always thought they do live by a different set of rules and moral standards. Johnson has been sacked for lying on at least one occasion, he won’t admit to how many kids he has, he talked with Darius Guppy about knobbling a journalist, cheated on his wife when she was getting cancer treatment. The list is endless for that lazy fat cunt. Gove is a serial back stabber, knowingly broke electoral funding laws, fiddled his expenses, used private e-mails for govt business. Raab wrote a book about how the British are the laziest people in Europe, Patel held secretive meetings with Israel. Shapps has used two different aliases to undertake different roles. These are only the things off the top of my head, the others are probably crooked, are fiddlers, engage in bestiality, have killed a tramp, or a combination of these. They’re all sociopaths and, in spite of all these things, have still risen to the top of British politics. Hopefully, the good thing to come of this is that people finally wake up to the fact that we’re not all in this together. There is an elite, and those people who rail against it are the elite. That should now be as clear as day to people. I appreciate a large portion of the country don’t have the mental capacity for critical thinking but this should at least convince enough to at least turn the tide against these self serving cunts.
    7 points
  2. In fairness, I did once make this
    5 points
  3. The Mackems are probably pissed off that Cummings went to Durham and not Seaham. There’s another special relationship they’ve missed out on
    5 points
  4. Fun to play with CT running after chickens like the Boldon Balboa
    4 points
  5. Of course Renton is allergic to guinea pigs. Of. Fucking. Course. They're native to Peru, you mad cunt. You can't leave them outside in a British climate. Get them in the house and get some piriton into you. In all seriousness though, if they're kept in something in the house, how are you gonna have an allergic reaction? It's not like they're shedding fur everywhere. They take a fuck load of looking after if you're doing it properly btw. Way more hassle than a couple of cats. They're absolute shit machines so their habitat needs clearing out in full daily or they end up with something like trench foot from wading through shit and piss. If you thought you'd got yourself a low hassle pet..... Think again.
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Great post. Pie makes some good points here.
    3 points
  8. I'm pretty much allergic to anything with fur, I can keep these in a separate room. I'd prefer a cat tbh but it's completely out the question, I'm not having chronic asthma or risking a flare during these times.I read up and thought this was a compromise from the rest of the family wanting rabbits. They can survive outside alright, most the year. But aye, they are shit and piss machines alright, and fox food, apparently. But the kids wanted them, so..... Massive fucking hassle, the little shits. The Guinea pigs are a hassle too.
    3 points
  9. I’ve heard that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a bloke from Clitheroe called Nigel. Nigel introduced the band to dominos, and they won the North West amateur league in 1967 under the team name Blank Four. Don’t know how true it is, but the person that told me is a plumber called Mick.
    3 points
  10. Essembee spotted outside Cummings manor
    3 points
  11. Shame she doesn’t wear black glasses, though.
    3 points
  12. Aye, I often think the same about Simon McCoy.
    2 points
  13. I'd had some good crack with villa fans in the past tbh so a few divvies definitely spoiled things there with the flags then everyone seemingly joining in with the celebrations fucked me off and I wasn't even there on that day. Was in L7, not a million miles from their fans when we twatted them 6-0 and it was very satisfying after the relegation match.
    2 points
  14. The BBC news department are an absolute fucking joke. It’s so sad when you see how far they’ve fallen
    2 points
  15. I love those memes that are so hyper specific that only about 6 people out of every 500,000 can possibly relate.
    2 points
  16. That's technically not Jurassic Park, but that doesn't seem important compared with... pretty much everything else
    2 points
  17. A shadowy cabal of Tyneside business men
    2 points
  18. Even if it was I wouldn’t take it to mean anything. Iirc it happened before when there was takeover buzz and it was just because they were replacing the tatty old signs with their tatty new signs.
    2 points
  19. It's like Superman buying himself a kryptonite necklace except instead of Superman it's a rubbery faced middle aged fella from Tynemouth with a pet allergy.
    2 points
  20. The most Twitter poll ever
    2 points
  21. There are too many people who have the attitude that you shouldn't criticise the government in times of emergency. This might align with people who support them anyway but it's there. Probably another older voter thing which is strange as they must realise they've been fed to the dogs via the care home thing. I think if Starmer really went for their throats over mistakes made it would annoy at least as many people as would be impressed.
    2 points
  22. Oof. Nailed it.
    2 points
  23. He's an MLF. It's in their DNA to threaten to chin people online whether they're built like a prime Tyson or like a prime Charles Hawtrey.
    2 points
  24. I was a bit worse for wear and was unable to reason if it was gentle ribbing or plain rude.
    2 points
  25. Presumably because he was the only allowed to attend the funerals
    2 points
  26. Luke Edwards is fucking buzzing about this new negative report btw what a total helmet that bloke is. To my earlier post I would add I’d find it a bit of a weird stance for the Premier League to reject based on this seeing as BeoutQ has been shut down, if they’re worried about pirate streams blocking this lot isn’t going to improve that is it? Also, isn’t the test applied to the officers and directors? So Al-Rummayyan etc, all of whom are very unlikely to be involved with any of the piracy side surely, we know that the PIF is obviously linked to the Saudi royalty but I’m not sure how much the test really looks through the entities like that. If it is rejected I would hope we can also expect to see the Sheffield United and Manchester City ownerships ousted as well (UAE owns a large chunk of Arabsat), although expect we wont. Luke Edwards proving how little he knows about this type of stuff by saying no when people raised this point, he said it can’t happen since they’ve passed the test already, the thing is owners have to be in compliance each year. So he’s fucking wrong about that as the daft cunt has been quite regularly throughout this, he also wrote it was all bullshit when the Company house filing became public as it didn’t make sense to him, he then deleted the tweet when someone explained it to him. The media agenda on this whole thing has been bothersome and shows just how slanted all of it is to those 6 or 7 wanky clubs they’ve decided are the top teams. Going to personally have a tough time being arsed about football if they reject this due to some utter wank like a link to a few pirated Bein sports streams.
    2 points
  27. Is the truth still a defence for libel / malicious communication? Would love a jury to be posed the question "Is Michael Gove a lying little cunt and a shithouse?".
    2 points
  28. Me too. My interest died about 11 or 12 years ago, all this has done is give the corpse a jolt or two
    2 points
  29. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/26/dominic-cummings-boris-johnson-terrified-sack-him
    2 points
  30. https://twitter.com/BBCSport/status/1265729486051356672?s=19
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Local Tesco sold that and it went down lovely. Also got a Northern Monk Faith. Just received my Beer52 crate
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. My lass had three Guinea pigs when I met her - she's always had them from being a kid. When she moved in here my water bill doubled because the vet bed stuff she was using for the Guinea pigs needed washing if not daily then every other day. You can buy pulped paper for them as well - she would buy loads of bales of it to bring the cost down, put it in the garage, and then other people from the weird Facebook Guinea pig community would turn up at the house to buy bales off her. The grocery bill as well - I looked like the healthiest bloke in Tesco, the amount of veg I was buying. All chopped up and fed to the Guinea pigs. They all died eventually and we will never have any more. More expensive and way more hassle than the two cats.
    1 point
  35. I'm more than happy to try the pissing thing! Iirc lion shit is incredibly effective, if you can get hold of it.
    1 point
  36. If it’s a fox proof hutch then it should be fine? You won’t stop them getting in the garden. From my chicken keeping forum , they recommend if a man urinates around the coop / hutch, it deters the fox. (I haven’t tried this and take no responsibility for you scarring the neighbours).
    1 point
  37. Even better. It’s out there and everyone knows about it. Deleting achieves nothing for him other than to confirm he knows he’s a hypocrite. A bit like his hero he doesn’t appear to be half as clever as he thinks he is if he thought deleting it would solve things
    1 point
  38. Do you not find the honey a bit sticky? Pastry crumbs get everywhere too.
    1 point
  39. With a Chinese burn I hope.
    1 point
  40. 'What I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop mocking Dom now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will detail your every infringement of social distancing rules'.
    1 point
  41. Calling out around Wearside Are you ready for a brand new beat? Eternal Winter's there and the time is right For shitting in the street They're shitting in Roker (shiting in the street) Down in Pennywell (shitting in the street) In Hendon (shiting in the street) All we need is blue pop, sweet blue pop There'll be blue pop everywhere There'll be defecating, urinating, and spice being taken Shitting in the street
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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