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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/20 in all areas

  1. Longest string of passes we've managed all season.
    6 points
  2. On one hand, it’s quite bad. On the other, the training ground being closed means Bruce can’t run any sessions so it’s swings and roundabouts
    5 points
  3. It’s a staggering level of delusion, isn’t it? Come manage our shitty League 1 club with a shit squad and shit owners in a shit town....on shit pay and with shit all money to spend. Oh yes, and enjoy the dog’s abuse from the shit fans unless you ace promotion from day 1. Tempting isn’t it?
    4 points
  4. Aye but you can't judge any manager on their time at Sunderland, look how well he's done since: AEK sacked after six months, Real Betis sacked after six months, some shithole in China sacked after ten months, Bordeaux sacked after eight months...
    3 points
  5. More than previously?
    3 points
  6. I really don’t think they’re enjoying Burton.
    2 points
  7. Apt that this fuckwit resurfaces in a thread about a persistent infection that just won’t fuck off.
    2 points
  8. If we never play again we can’t lose again. Bruce one step ahead as per
    2 points
  9. They'll be celebrating a 3-2 win.
    2 points
  10. there you go https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/thomaskeith/voluntary-excess Huge thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes, it’s greatly appreciated, especially in this year. I decided to release a record on my birthday, like Bowie used to do & I’ll try and keep it up. There’s 5 new songs and, the best experience is mixed for headphones. For this record I play guitar, bass, drums & some weird organ thing. So the recording approach was a little different but it’s all experience. I was delighted to have Danielle Lewis along to lend their wonderful vocals to the first track & we’ll be working a lot more together in future which thankfully will band work and not solo work! It’s currently available on Apple Music, ITunes & Spotify, though will be released through every major platform soon. Link - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/thomaskeith/voluntary-excess Tracks - Lost With You (Origami Class) (Ft Dan Lewis) Voluntary Excess Air Rifle (Lo-Fi) Dirt Luna Some inspiration.... LR “Oh, great by me” GJ : Yeah? Mine were alright, wasn't my best one but who cares? LR “That's the spirit” That’s the end of my favourite Cribs song. So onwards and upwards....
    2 points
  11. Apparently the COVID vaccine was created within days of the genome sequence being leaked in January. The last 10months have been the testing period
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. They should give it to that gormless lad who makes up chants while shaking jars of salt and sugar in his mams attic. He’s probably way more likely than their shouts for Beckham, and Eddie Howe, I would have thought 3 years of struggling in League One might have made them a little more realistic ffs.
    2 points
  14. This plaice is really becoming too perpetual.
    1 point
  15. They have a thread that was started at almost 2pm this afternoon, confirming that Poyet had signed. It has now reached 80 pages. The first 20 pages of it is joy and euphoria, the rest is swinging wildly looking for people to blame and cursing their fathers for raising them as Sunderland fans https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/gus-has-signed-ed-or-maybe-he-hasnt.1535224/
    1 point
  16. You know no one gives a fuck about the club anymore when we have a COVID outbreak threatening the next game and it barely gets a mention on here FWIW the Guardian has just broken rank and insinuated the 4 positive tests are Hayden, Krafth, Lascelles and Carroll. The rest of the tests are due back today
    1 point
  17. You know you’re a real catch when unemployment is more attractive than working with that pile of shite.
    1 point
  18. So he spoke to them, found out they’re in league one and went “erm, yeah actually fuck that”, what a draw they are that a failed manager has no interest dropping to their level.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Did they wear the poor fuckers skin in some crazy Aztec ritual or something?
    1 point
  21. Except Sunderland, they’re in tier 3
    1 point
  22. Today I learned that the EHRC board is made up of political appointments, including people who have either worked for or donated to the Tory party, and who post in support of fairly right wing views about Islamophobia and misogyny despite criticising Labour as not having done enough to investigate identical actions by members concerning antisemitism. I'm not saying this discredits their report on Labour, although the guy in question here actually led the report on Labour apparently but I'm pretty appalled by the sorts of people working for them and will apply more scrutiny to them in future. I was under the impression that they were an independent body of equal rights campaigners, not a collective of Tory stooges. EHRC: Labour failed to act on party members liking offensive tweets. Also EHRC: Muslims should be banned from entering Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/nov/30/ehrc-board-member-under-scrutiny-over-social-media-use?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
    1 point
  23. Also...(follow the thread 😮 )
    1 point
  24. Harsh on John Barnes that Davey
    1 point
  25. He's a fucking charlatan, man, I'm telling you.
    1 point
  26. Jesus man, have some patience. He uses his own piss in every can, it takes a little time to fill them all
    1 point
  27. i take it back - your memory is clearly fading. in fact barnes didn't play in the opening two games. the appearance off the bench was his first of the tournament. old cunt
    1 point
  28. I think Trump was / is fully aware of it and used it to try and win votes and didn’t give a fuck who got hurt in the process
    1 point
  29. I would go so far as to say that she created the recent trans shitstorm she was part of with an eye on publicity for her book. "Women are afraid of trans people, this is a serious issue I feel strongly about" followed by "here is my book which features a trans serial killer attacking women". Pathetic.
    1 point
  30. Is he suddenly seeing a Katie Hopkins sized hole now she's been marginalised by being kicked off Twitter?.... am thinking there's big money in hate tbh
    1 point
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