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  1. No-one’s interested in Sunderland, including theIr own fans. If they weren’t talking about us they’d have nothing to do except shit on the seats they replaced free for their fraudulent owners.
    11 points
  2. Best comment I read about the fella was that he looked like a run down council estate Gandalf
    6 points
  3. I think that’s a piece a lot of the journalists are missing. The reason most have attached themselves to this Saudi deal is it’s the only show in town and we know it, the club has basically been on sale for 13 years but Ashley’s price puts people off. I know Edwards and those of his ilk are annoyed about the reaction to Mauriss, but the fact is he just seems really off, from the timing of his interest, his links with Qatar, fraud investigations, supposedly bidding £50m over an agreed price despite the fact his bid could only be accepted if the other fell through. I honestly think if he seemed more trustworthy and genuine people would be interested, obviously the Saudi bid comes with super club status potential but I feel most just want a club that will at least try, a club that spends what it brings in and looks to kick on and improve. We finished 5th, got into Europe and all we bought was a midfielder that was clearly brought in with the intention of reselling/replacing either Cabaye or Tiote, that’s the club we are under this cunt.
    4 points
  4. I couldn’t be arsed to read beyond the allusion to the secret cabal of north east businessmen.
    4 points
  5. Also, why would local MPs be writing letters to the Premier League about Sunderland?
    4 points
  6. It’s funny because whenever they’re critical of us it removes a string from their own bow. “yer cannot rigght a letta to ahn MP man, fucking mag behaviour that marra ftm”
    3 points
  7. Oh yes This is a man with £500 in the bank. Mike Ashley is a cunt but tends to have more than that in his pockets.
    2 points
  8. I would love to just support Newcastle again like a normal fan, since Ashley came I have went through spells of actively wanting them to lose (pardew) because I thought it would be for the greater good, to been fully back on board with Rafa, and now in a state of nothingness under Bruce other than happy we didn't go down. New owners is the only way to get the support fully back on board, I'm not sure if that will happen with the Saudis or even if Staveley and the Reubens could do a deal but it needs to happen cos I'm hating football just now.
    2 points
  9. I mean, we all know exactly what he’s going to do, and it’ll be hilarious.
    2 points
  10. Aye they’re so fucking thick. They’ll complain about their owners but not do anything as that’s what the mags do, then they all whinge that we have no right to complain as they’re worse than us (but also better, it just depends on which gives them the high ground in that particular discussion). Excited for what the homeless looking fella that has a tenner to his name does when he takes them over.
    2 points
  11. At first, I thought my mam saying that most of the people not wearing masks are “the big fat people” was her usual nonsense but she’s actually right. Not like being overweight makes COVID more dangerous or owt.
    2 points
  12. It’s the writing bit they struggle with.
    2 points
  13. Dear Premier League, Remember that time when a beach ball was our best on ground? You must really be missing that. Your sister league partner for life, Sunderland AFC (on the river where they used to build the boats) FTM
    2 points
  14. I’m starting to think we should take a leaf of out the mackems book and BOYCOUTT the premier league. and also the championship
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Just imagine the reaction if Bridget participated. Her office would be like Day of the dead with angry mackem zombies
    2 points
  17. Our classy friends down the road are currently on Twitter berating all of the MPs who have written letters regarding the takeover. They’ve also been demanding why no one is writing letters about Sunderland, to which one Mp replied “literally not a single one of my constituents have asked me to”, they really are a twisted little breed .
    2 points
  18. Bridget got too snobby and perpetual to do this...
    2 points
  19. The weird thing is there won’t be any mags to pass. If we get relegated we spunk a shit load and get promoted. Ashley has no interest in a championship club.
    2 points
  20. Aye it’s fucking nonsense but as pointed out the mackems will fucking lap it up. The current bunch had that Juan Satori who they made out was amazingly connected and was going to bring all that investment into the club, on the documentary he looked like a bloke who was just happy for a day out and had no fucking clue what was going on while also looking down on the mackems, the fact he’s given fucking nowt to the club besides the quid or whatever he paid the Don points to the fact he’s never going to be this angel investor they’re dreaming of. No doubt this swamp rat has similar idiots ‘backing’ him.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Been playing loads of COD WW2 online with the lads. Its great because if somebody beats you and they’re level 2769372629 or whatever you can mute your mic from just the team to call them swarmy virgin cunt.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Totally agree, to be honest I dont want Gareth Bale on £640,000 a week in a black and white shirt, i think its outrageous, natural growth with sustainable investment and I'm happy just get rid of Sports Direct United.
    1 point
  25. Well he can't seeing as she isn't old enough.
    1 point
  26. Whatever the exact reason the PL had for obstructing the purchase, you can be sure it had everything to do with money and bugger all to do with human rights (or Kashoggi or the war in Yemen). I doubt they are in the least bit interested in what AI think or say about them.
    1 point
  27. Odds on that there’ll be literally tens of them furiously cultivating their ratty, ginger version of a tramp beard for the 15th new messiah this decade.
    1 point
  28. When CT fell in the waterfall at Oz was pretty epic.
    1 point
  29. Huge surprise that he’s alluding to having some amazing backers but is unable to give any indication as to who they are. Quite apart from anything else, why would any backers of substance bother with someone like him?
    1 point
  30. Fuckin' GERRIN!!!! (FTM).
    1 point
  31. He must have borrowed the book " Easy ways to impress mackems" off the Don
    1 point
  32. They’ve a fit and proper owner I think you’ll find
    1 point
  33. Fulham & West Brom will be straight back down again. The question is who joins them? Another thrilling premier league season for NUFC, I can’t wait!!!!
    1 point
  34. I have to agree, but our girl guides are up there with the best of them, credit to the club
    1 point
  35. There's a video someone took from a boat just off the coast. You see the explosion and then a second later you see the shock wave zipping across the surface of the water towards the boat. It's like something out of the Avengers movies or if CT jumped in a pool.
    1 point
  36. Gone? It’s zoomed passed Voyager 1 in the outer reaches of the heliopause
    1 point
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