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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/21 in all areas

  1. Tory HQ. pictured today
    5 points
  2. Someone with an account on rtg get on there and start a rumour that League One’s season is finished and they’re deciding the final positions on a points by game basis again
    3 points
  3. It's funny ain't it, useless Blonde Cunt is PM with his band of arseholes and still folks take the piss out of someone who has shown some actual leadership
    3 points
  4. It was at the time, bitchtits! Anyway that cancels out with me being right about schools, so apologies accepted from the entire board. Just don't ever doubt me again.
    2 points
  5. I wonder who they voted for
    2 points
  6. odds for successful dry january lengthening
    2 points
  7. Close the schools one day after they open again?
    2 points
  8. Harsh on Isegrim that, MF.
    2 points
  9. Out of control down your neck of the woods, not here (yet). Funny how when London gets high cases we get a national lockdown, but when the North gets high cases we get regional lockdowns. I'm genuinely pissed off about this.
    2 points
  10. I can't remember if I've already said it on here but I'll say it now anyway. IMO we are vaccinating the wrong people. Older people should be expected to self isolate a little bit longer. The first lots of vaccine should go to NHS staff, Social care staff, and teachers exclusively. That way we can at least keep our hospitals safer, prevent much NHS absenteeism, and vitally keep schools open because we are really fucking with kids lives now. Also those in care homes will be at massively reduced risk. From a standard health economics perspective, no way would be vaccinating octogenarians first. But in this case, there are also huge societal advantages in changing the vaccination priorities. I might write a letter to the BMJ on this.
    2 points
  11. What absolute turgid shite. We've had some terrible players and managers over the years but I've never disliked a player as much as I do Shelvey, what lazy cunt he is. The way he shrugs his shoulders when an opposition player goes past him does my fucking head in, you get paid a fortune to play football you twat of a human, fucking put some effort in. Cabbagehead gets whatever he deserves for constantly sending out a side with players the others have to carry, Joelinton, Shelvey, Hendrick; fuck me how someone with all his experience cannot see how much they drag the team down is mind boggling. Someone I know had the gall to tell me we must be happy with mid table obscurity and Bruce ball, I told the cunt to fuck off and reminded them that prior to Ashley, Newcastle in the premier league era were consistantly in Europe and ranked in the top 20 wealthiest clubs in the world, why the fuck should we be happy with Bruce ball and useless cunts like Shelvey. Happy 2021 people, same shite different year.
    2 points
  12. I thought you seemed so genuine too. Sad
    2 points
  13. Another perfect call.
    2 points
  14. Salah- “ Who is this Gerald Pissmaker?” Henderson- “ Shh, just look sad mate, ok?”
    2 points
  15. The Knight Ryder only eats out of the chinkies roond the cornah, doesn’t trust any of that forren shite.
    2 points
  16. As if he isn't continuously juggling JustEat, UberEats and Deliveroo discount codes.
    2 points
  17. ‘App? What’s the fuck’s one of them?’
    2 points
  18. That and the compilation of his groaning and grunting as he stood up and sat down have comfortably been the highlights of his time here
    1 point
  19. My Brother in Law announced at the dinner table on Christmas Day that some coca cola had tested positive for Covid btw. I asked whether he'd also believe it if Facebook told him that someone got a can of coke pregnant. That was a tense couple of sprouts.
    1 point
  20. When you said it was different this time because deaths, hospitalisations, etc didn’t seem to be as high?
    1 point
  21. They're open to your kids if you work for Timpsons
    1 point
  22. Going back to March, clear communication and explicit published information on the rules (no 3 word bullshit guidelines), based on my experiences when I managed to get up there, observance of said rules and organisiation in shops etc. was so much better than down here, given the constraints of being tied to Westminster in many things, I reckon they've done as well as they could, if she'd had the power she'd have shut to border way back for all non-essential traffic/travel, as they should have. IMO of course.
    1 point
  23. He has told us that tougher measures are inevitable ‘in due course’. Why wait? We’re not gaining anything from it.
    1 point
  24. Of course it is. Its nowt to do with Boris acting too slow. Ignoring his medical advisors & never answering a question properly at the press conferences. The amount of times he says " over to you Chris anything to add JVT" Actually the questions are at you. When they say Prime Minister & ask you a question. They expect you to answer you incompetent bumbling idiot. Not pass it over like a bag of dog shit.
    1 point
  25. Aye, like a true scouser he robbed a living for 50+ years singing two songs badly.
    1 point
  26. As way of a fitting tribute, have a listen to him singing You’ll Never Walk Alone. His voice was shit
    1 point
  27. Thought you were you going to say it was the rich energy Mackem cunt and had got the wrong thread.
    1 point
  28. He was wondering why there was 'patience it seems' on the South Coast concerning Potter at Brighton despite them doing shit but I'm guessing, like me, he has no fucking idea if their fans are happy or not?
    1 point
  29. "Err....is this the ferry across the Mersey, la?" "It is if you want it to be?"
    1 point
  30. Oops, I’d best have a beer.
    1 point
  31. Given his band’s name, I’ll laugh my cock off if he’s died of a heart attack. edit; “Price said his friend died following an infection in his heart. ” Ha Ha Bonk, as Spike Milligan said.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Looking at Leicester’s second and Shelvey makes a half arsed challenge in the middle of the park then nonchalantly jogs back after the goalscorer leaving him in yards of space despite having only been on the field for seven minutes. Stealing a fucking living.
    1 point
  34. He was class for Man United like.
    1 point
  35. Giving him another year. Even worse than getting him in the first place. Smacks of the decision by the same numb nuts who gave a clearly disinterested and injured Colo another deal because it was easier/cheaper than getting another decent CB in. I can imagine Rafa not being interested to put it mildly.
    1 point
  36. Joelinton looks better playing as a support striker to Wilson. Not dissimilar to where he played in Hoffenheim's team. If we'd signed him for £6mil I think most would probably think he was a reasonable squad player. But 40 million fucking pounds, playing him as a target man and giving him the no.9 shirt are all fucking ludicrous decisions! 3 goals in 52 games FFS
    1 point
  37. I mean, we definitely still are.
    1 point
  38. All the best for 2021 everybody (NZ first cab off the rank). Hope you have a fantastic year full of good health and happiness!
    1 point
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