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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/21 in all areas

  1. He's succeeded in making us less defensive minded tbh. And less attacking minded at the same time. Some achievement.
    4 points
  2. I’m just happy we’ve got him instead of Benitez tbh
    4 points
  3. Dan Sartain, aged 39. Really Gutted about this, he was a great guy and a friend. We were talking about doing shows together before the plague struck. Rest in peace mate.
    3 points
  4. Were you watching the match on sky last night? One of the commentators actually said we'd be happier in the bottom three than where we are now if played more attractive football 😐 The level of ignorance is astonishing. Either that or these so called experts are just making obviously counter factual statements to generate anger clicks for want of a better phrase. Then again I shouldn't attribute to malice what I easily attribute to incompetence. Obviously there's little point in talking about Merson's recent comments, he's obviously long fried his brain with all the booze and coke, not that he was likely ever a contender for the brain of Britain. At least Stelling pretty much apologised on twitter. Those Newcastle fans love to be entertained was another gem, as if other football fans aren't bothered if their team plays like shite.
    2 points
  5. Especially seeing as this is what most people expected
    2 points
  6. Watched Creation Stories...it’s ok-ish...you’re all far better off with the playlist though..
    2 points
  7. Well, i learned how to play the drums by being drafted into a blues band and had to busk my way through most of Morrison Hotel so my advice is to do the opposite of that. I’ll have some proper advice when I wake up tomorrow.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. * gets coat and shuffles to the door *
    2 points
  10. Yeah our mate’s partner died a couple of years back, she had an incredibly rare blood condition for over a decade. I’m not sure what it was called but he’s been in touch with the association that represents sufferers and we’re going to do it for them.
    1 point
  11. My dad did that when I was a kid, went on a load of the prep/training walks with him, of which I have very fond memories. Is there a particular cause you're supporting?
    1 point
  12. Paging @Monkeys Fist After a weekend of top level talks I can announce I’ve signed up to the fuckin bastard 3 Peaks Challenge at the end of June
    1 point
  13. Wijnaldum apparently finally agreed a contract with Barca. Fair play to him, seemed to be a bit under-appreciated in England.
    1 point
  14. In our last 20 games, we’ve won 2, drawn 5, lost 13, scored 14 goals, and conceded 35. It’s interesting that some people are still saying Newcastle fans expect too much, I wonder just how fucking appallingly bad we need to be before it would be acceptable for the fans to be pissed off. It’s passed being a tired cliche at this point, it’s almost people going out of their way to just be absurdly wrong about the topic at hand.
    1 point
  15. Bruce's loyalty? Has he turned down offers from Real Madrid and Barcelona? It makes zero sense other than to show that Ashley will deliberately do the opposite of what the fans want in order to prove some kind of point.
    1 point
  16. We are probably gone already. The change should have been made ahead of the winnable and must-win games. I can’t see us picked enough points in the remote fixtures as I do think that Fulham will come up with the odd good result themselves even though they have a even more difficult run of games.
    1 point
  17. Ashley doesn't want to get caught for 4 miwl innit
    1 point
  18. I mean I hope he does have it, I just doubt it.
    1 point
  19. A couple of complete different must listens.
    1 point
  20. Best advice I ever got from a drummer was "just blag it and glare at the bassist when you make a mistake"
    1 point
  21. Lascelles: "On paper our team is ridiculous but we need to show more heart," "We need players who care and will look after each other, we've lacked it. "We've got flair players, tricky players, players with loads of talent but we need more heart, desire and bigger characters on the pitch. "No matter how good you are, if you don't have that fight and hunger it doesn't matter." ...Five years ago.
    1 point
  22. 2 wins in the last 20 games is fucking shite
    1 point
  23. Bruce in post match interview : I've never ran away from a fight. I'm not a quitter and I won't quit now. Translation : I've never left a job without a payoff or another job lined up, and I won't start now, it's not like I actually give a fuck about Newcastle or am actually a real supporter of them.
    1 point
  24. Peter Lorimer RIP dirty Leeds legend with a cannon in his boots ( regularly 90 mph and one penalty measured at 107 mph - how they measured back then I don’t know)
    1 point
  25. I reckon his mam and dad were probably really sound. I also reckon they probably thought stevie was a cunt too.
    1 point
  26. I see he reckons Joelinton had his best game in a Newcastle shirt versus Villa 🤣 canny season for him. That's 20 times he's put career best performances in
    1 point
  27. Bruce’s statements are becoming increasingly bizarre because he’s never been in this position for so long without being sacked. His ability to take teams on a downward spiral for the payoff money is so perfected that he’s completely lost now that it hasn’t worked.
    1 point
  28. This for me also. As soon as I saw that there was 4 minutes devoted to the first half I knew I’d made the right decision to sleep in and watch the highlights. And the only reason they didn’t just skip to the 80th minute is because there needs to be 24 minutes of footage for the extended highlights. The 3 minute highlights are looking a better option all the time tbf.
    1 point
  29. Many heartfelt thanks for all the kind replies. I am feeling much better today, I've kept myself busy organising things which has actually helped. Dealing with personal effects is especially hard and seems to be my trigger. Also I have had to go through her contacts list phoning her friends individually to let them know - she didn't do social media and neither do I. Thank God her phone was unlocked. Hoping the funeral directors will take over tomorrow in organising things. I am going to take some positives out of this, mainly that in the end it was a rapid death without the weeks and months of suffering I have seen other friends and relatives endure due to cancer. I have seen people rot in agony in a way you wouldn't let a dog suffer, thank God that was avoided. Also two bits of advice. First one sounds incredibly trite, it's live life to the full every day. We aren't here for very long and every moment counts. Don't let relationships fester, don't stick with jobs you hate etc. How many people have said this but you've ignored the advice? I know I have, but its true. Second is more specific, if you find a person close to you in this situation make a fuss with the hospital to let you see them and for God's sake make sure the hospital has your correct contact details. Miscommunication has caused a bad outcome for me and if there was one thing I would turn back time on it would be that. Truly I believe now things can only get better for me this year, starting today.
    1 point
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