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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/21 in all areas

  1. I might take up writing spoof sitcoms based in a regional paper's sports department but I think that ship's sailed. Lol. Laters!
    6 points
  2. 'I mean public beheadings and executing journalists is one thing but a policy of austerity is just too much.'
    4 points
  3. It would actually be more like not going out on a date with a gagging for it Salma Hayek for fear you might get into an accident on the way.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Hats off to the mackems - this season they’ve really cemented their place as both a League One side and the third best team in the North East. Great stuff and I look forward to seeing what they can achieve next season with their 18 year old chairman
    3 points
  6. Whilst I agree with the sentiment, I’m pretty sure Fat Lad Mike isn’t voting Labour anytime soon. I’ve reconciled myself with the idea that if we must have cunts owning our club, let’s have the worlds biggest, richest cunts.
    3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Put Jenas in for his crimes against punditry and commentary
    2 points
  9. Shit news. Hope something comes up for you sooner rather than later. And honestly, I've always thought you have a flare for very funny writing, maybe if you think outside the box you can career change to something more suiting your talents? My last day in my job today and my last in the NHS for 20 years as it happens. Im about to find out what it's like working in the real world.
    2 points
  10. Mine before and after. Including removal of a bomb shelter (actually probably a very large coal bunker).
    2 points
  11. Not sure I'd get rid of the lawn like. Especially with a dog? You can get robot lawn mowers now too although I hear they are as shit as Roombas. J69's conversion looks class. Well worth it, if you're planning to live there a while.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. One slot for the car, one for the horse cart. Got ya.
    2 points
  14. Looks like Paul Chuckle at the Whitby Goth fest. (And yes, I know who Gerry Francis is )
    2 points
  15. There should be a sub category ‘Without Michael Owen’ just like when the bookies give odds on highest league finish ‘Without Celtic/Rangers’.
    2 points
  16. How did I miss this cunt… … oh, I didn’t see the fucking midget down there.
    2 points
  17. We can still put them outside of Gemmill's skillset though right?
    2 points
  18. I’d say that cuntishness includes violent acts, but lack of violence doesn’t preclude cuntishness. Owen being the prime example. Opposite ends of the spectrum there- Southall- top fucking bloke, in all aspects I’m aware of. Owen - cunt.
    2 points
  19. I hope they haven't 'peaked' their slump too early.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Nee David Speedie?!?!? I'm voting for the cunt who started this poll, the useless cunt!!!
    2 points
  22. hat doffed to cheltenham town for their promotion to the third division. have always followed their fortunes since being down here, have been a sporadic visitor to their matches over the years, they need to change their strips, it's really difficult to get passionate about a team in red and white stripes.
    2 points
  23. That’s a terrible slur on the poor dunce, and you should, for legal reasons, back up your awful accusations with, at the very least, a link to said pictures. Allegedly.
    2 points
  24. 1 point
  25. Your shed looks like a conservatory lol
    1 point
  26. Had our garden levelled last year. Was a shit hole beforehand. Cost us a fortune and we are moving to a new fucking house next week!
    1 point
  27. Back of the queue there Bumpkin Bollocks.
    1 point
  28. I'm getting the garden done atm. Got the grafters here today, having built giant raised beds myself at the weekend (yep, did an incredible job, thanks for asking). Anyway, when it's done I am FO SHO getting some Phillips Hue spotlights installed so I can have sexy mood lighting of an evening. Gonna get a patio heater too. Then sit in the house and watch the telly.
    1 point
  29. Denise "small man syndrome" Wise Roy "n daags" Keane Paul "leg breaker" Scholes Jamie "cunty" Carragher Robbie "bitch" Savage Nigel "high 5 I broke a leg" de Jong Stevie "DJ of dive" Gerrard El hadji "spitty" Diouf Some bloody good players amongst that list, along with Diouf, Denise, Carragher, de Jong and least of them all Savage.
    1 point
  30. Before he drives into the garage?
    1 point
  31. Owen is definitely a cunt, like. Just a deeply unlikable little cock jockey
    1 point
  32. How sure are we that @Alex’s surname isn’t Bruce?
    1 point
  33. Define what a sport is and how golf doesn't meet the criteria? Otherwise I'm sending Bellamy around to your gaff with his 7 iron.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Lee Dixon has two, he’s in. I’m seriously regretting this
    1 point
  36. Not voting until Lee Dixon is an option. I know it was the League Cup, but piss is still boiling....
    1 point
  37. Which cunt didn't put the cunt Lee Dixon on, the cunt?
    1 point
  38. Got to say like, it’s an impressive hall of cunts when convicted nonce, Adam Johnson, can’t get on the ballot.
    1 point
  39. He’s also got an Armani tattoo. Get in the fucking sea
    1 point
  40. Rejecting Robbie Savage as a Sunderland signing “I got Robbie’s mobile number and rang him. It went to his voicemail: ‘Hi, it’s Robbie – whazzup!’ Like the Budweiser ad. I never called him back. I thought: ‘I can’t be f****** signing that’.” My favourite Keane quote
    1 point
  41. You could have stopped there, tbh.
    1 point
  42. Robbie Savage Massive cunt. Huge.
    1 point
  43. Sounds like Richard Keys having a wank.
    1 point
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