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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/21 in all areas

  1. Just a reminder that Leicester were in League One when Mike Ashley bought us.
    6 points
  2. Ferry cross the Hearse-y, more like
    5 points
  3. The bairns primary school has just announced it is going against government guidance and closing to all but key worker children. They've also decided to shut tomorrow completely until they can decide how it's going to work, giving me 1/2 a day to find childcare tomorrow. If all the primary schools go this route then the government is going to have a choice to make .... It feels like we are in similar territory to the USA where the government has been so poor, for so long it's just met with a shrug of the shoulders and an eye roll when stuff like this happens. Previous governments have been voted out of power for lesser fuck ups than this
    5 points
  4. Thought you were you going to say it was the rich energy Mackem cunt and had got the wrong thread.
    4 points
  5. Just saw a lad earlier near Palmersville Metro. He had a dyed-green beard, was wearing a Deerstalker and a Tweed suit. He looked about mid to late 20s. To complete the look he had one of those shopping trolleys that you normally see grannies wheeling around. There’s no punchline btw.
    3 points
  6. The Knight Ryder only eats out of the chinkies roond the cornah, doesn’t trust any of that forren shite.
    3 points
  7. Strange how Lampard’s one season of not getting Derby promoted hasn’t made him ready for the Chelsea job.
    3 points
  8. He thought we deserved to win today. Don’t know what Luke Edwards makes out of this but Brucey does make Donald Trump look sane.
    3 points
  9. All the lads were on a Christmas Eve night out one year and my brother, in late night desperation pulled a rather unpleasant looking, heavily set lady the rest of the lads dubbed “The Kraken”. He’s been given bottles of that rum as gifts a few times from lads taking the piss. Including me
    3 points
  10. Looking at Leicester’s second and Shelvey makes a half arsed challenge in the middle of the park then nonchalantly jogs back after the goalscorer leaving him in yards of space despite having only been on the field for seven minutes. Stealing a fucking living.
    3 points
  11. If we don’t buy at least one CM after this we’re fucked. Both the Longstaff brothers were like moths to a flame trying to get out to Vardy who was already marked by the CB, which meant Maddison could just jog into the box 10 yards free. Then for the second Shelvey and Longstaff showing zero urgency to get back goal side of Tielemans, fucking pointless when our central midfield are just a pack of useless bastards.
    3 points
  12. Look at the real ale twats here. I’ll drink what I’m given for Christmas, thank you
    3 points
  13. Johnson has literally managed to get the worst deal possible. Canny article about where the mistakes were made which has fucked us all for decades here. https://www.politico.eu/article/5-reasons-uk-failed-brexit-talks/
    3 points
  14. On Ryder: ”What was that soft lad? Eeee man, ah tell you what, you want to gan oootside? Cos Ah tell you what, if we do my crisp packets won’t be the only thing getting crumpled the night.... aye that’s right, off you pop.... he’s fucking relentless man... No bird I won’t lay off..... I’m not arsed if he’s left in a huff.... Kinnear was spot on about you, spot on.”
    2 points
  15. What absolute turgid shite. We've had some terrible players and managers over the years but I've never disliked a player as much as I do Shelvey, what lazy cunt he is. The way he shrugs his shoulders when an opposition player goes past him does my fucking head in, you get paid a fortune to play football you twat of a human, fucking put some effort in. Cabbagehead gets whatever he deserves for constantly sending out a side with players the others have to carry, Joelinton, Shelvey, Hendrick; fuck me how someone with all his experience cannot see how much they drag the team down is mind boggling. Someone I know had the gall to tell me we must be happy with mid table obscurity and Bruce ball, I told the cunt to fuck off and reminded them that prior to Ashley, Newcastle in the premier league era were consistantly in Europe and ranked in the top 20 wealthiest clubs in the world, why the fuck should we be happy with Bruce ball and useless cunts like Shelvey. Happy 2021 people, same shite different year.
    2 points
  16. I know mate I read it & didnt know wether to post it. He's an utter shithouse
    2 points
  17. As way of a fitting tribute, have a listen to him singing You’ll Never Walk Alone. His voice was shit
    2 points
  18. I just went “alright?” And he just nodded and returned the greeting, as you do, as I was trying to manoeuvre the dogs out his way and not go arse over tit down the concrete stairs. Then it was only afterwards I thought ‘that was a bit fucking weird’
    2 points
  19. I doubt he watches very much of Brighton but then again he doesn’t watch very much of...
    2 points
  20. He was wondering why there was 'patience it seems' on the South Coast concerning Potter at Brighton despite them doing shit but I'm guessing, like me, he has no fucking idea if their fans are happy or not?
    2 points
  21. "Err....is this the ferry across the Mersey, la?" "It is if you want it to be?"
    2 points
  22. That doesn't really happen down here. Great bunch of lads, Sunderland.
    2 points
  23. As if he isn't continuously juggling JustEat, UberEats and Deliveroo discount codes.
    2 points
  24. ‘App? What’s the fuck’s one of them?’
    2 points
  25. Serious question: will anyone be that arsed if we do go down? I was gutted the last two times but the only enjoyable seasons when Ashley’s been in charge, the Pardew fluke season aside, were the two promotion campaigns. There is literally no point existing in the PL with Ashley in charge of the finances and Steve Bruce looking after tactics. It is killing football for me
    2 points
  26. *laughs* *strokes beard*
    2 points
  27. Johnson is that much of a narcissist he just won't do anything he thinks is unpopular until there's no other choice. Thing is they must know there's large scale support for stricter measures so it must be the tory lockdown wingnuts he's scared of upsetting.
    2 points
  28. Johnson could detonate a biological weapon in the middle of Trafalgar Square and wipe out most of the population, and I still reckon 40% of the survivors would vote Conservative.
    2 points
  29. Really enjoying Joelinton's metamorphis from a striker who can't score to a winger who can't pass.
    2 points
  30. The boos at the suggestion of free healthcare and caring for the environment
    2 points
  31. Do you remember when we played our 100th game in Europe? Can't remember them congratulating us but I'll be the bigger man and on behalf of all Newcastle United fans say 'well done Sunderland'. "Actually, it's on behalf of '50,000 screaming Geordies'. Get it right!!"
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Sunderland played they’re 100th consecutive league one game today, drawing 0-0 away to Northampton.
    2 points
  34. Troops, mate, no offence but I really couldn't give a fuck what the pudding says.
    1 point
  35. Sorry, fist. I thought I was you there for a minute
    1 point
  36. Oops, I’d best have a beer.
    1 point
  37. Given his band’s name, I’ll laugh my cock off if he’s died of a heart attack. edit; “Price said his friend died following an infection in his heart. ” Ha Ha Bonk, as Spike Milligan said.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I forget who said it originally but if Jesus came along in 2020 he’d be denounced as a woke, socialist snowflake.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
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