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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/21 in all areas

  1. Got the first Pfizer jab today, second booked for 6 weeks time. The clinic ran like clockwork, huge throughput. I don't think the issue will be application, it will be one of supply. Hopefully they can sort that out. Now, I was just on my works PC and have to say what marvellous software Excel and Word are, they work seamlessly don't they? Think I will upgrade t Office 365 premium when I get home.
    8 points
  2. i'd honestly take a punt on joey barton. if for no other reason than he might put some cigars out in ashley's eyes.
    5 points
  3. Was thinking that myself Dave...bone idle fuckers sat at home watching daytime TV...
    5 points
  4. What they want is some tapas.
    5 points
  5. Echo what other have said, talking always helps. Even if it's just to strangers on a message board. Even if you type it all out and throw it into the void. I've dealt with anxiety and depression* for 20yrs and through everything, the one thing that's helped most, (more than breathing exercises, good diet, getting outside, etc. ) is talking. I've been really struggling during the lockdown, but talking about what I'm feeling, admitting the frankly terrifying thoughts that I've endured, is the thing that helps the most. *and during my latest assessment signs of OCD, which was novel.
    5 points
  6. That’s suspiciously close to my actual location.
    4 points
  7. I once had a Chinese, in Avignon, in august. They served hot sake at the end, which, when you drank it, revealed a photo in the bottom of the cup of a chinese lass splitting her difference. Authentic as fuck.
    4 points
  8. Still, at least the incident has given us this
    4 points
  9. i wont be happy till i see the twat broken and bawling his eyes out on the touchline. morally bankrupt fat cunt.
    3 points
  10. Hes 50% Norn Iron...just be careful, that’s all I’m saying...
    3 points
  11. I'm so conditioned by this place to interpret everything a certain way, I'm fully expecting the other shoe to drop any second.
    3 points
  12. Hang in there Fish mate. I know you don’t post as often as you used to, but we’ll always treat you with utter disregard for your feelings and will never sign up for you and the guys’ podcast. Hope this helps. Had a wobble myself around August/September but much improved now, which is unusual as winter is normally my downfall re.mental healthwise.
    3 points
  13. Brexit: UK driver has ham sandwiches confiscated at Dutch border Welcome to Brexit - it's what you voted for 🥪
    3 points
  14. Much much lower, the people in prominent positions are either liars, evil, corrupt, or toadies. Most of them are combination of all of these things. Johnson, Gove, Raab, Patel, Sunak, Truss, Jenrick, Rees-Mogg, Shapps, Lewis, Francois, Braverman - I would never tire of punching every single one of these in the face. Then you have your walk on turns like Redwood, Duncan-Smith, Fabricant, Jenkins, that bloke who likes upskirting and that weird young bloke from Mansfield (who’s name escapes me). There are countless others who are as equally abhorrent. It blows my mind just how many people can vote for these bastards and still sleep at night.
    2 points
  15. #haasditchedourcolours #laughedoutofcourt #soldmymajorityshare #stillsomehowamoreconvincingshitartistthanstevebruce
    2 points
  16. I once had an Indian in Lanzarote and it was called 'Mahatma Coat'.
    2 points
  17. oh absolutely no offence taken! I'm with you, theres a reason I don't post much in the "what are you listening too" thread, I wouldn't get a moments peace.
    2 points
  18. I don’t think he will go after this. We still don’t look like going down based on the table at present. That’s not me saying he shouldn’t go, it’s how I think Ashley will judge it. I mean, he’d have to know the square root of fuck all to appoint Bruce in the first place.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Well what happens is when there’s a foul the referee stops the game. Get it?
    2 points
  21. Was it made out of cat meat? Then it was certainly a very authentic dish at Garfield’s.
    2 points
  22. Aye, and I know which half he’s from with that tune...
    2 points
  23. The weird thing (well, one of the many weird things) about QAnon is that it’s nailed on their glorious leader is into kids. The invisible accordion playing cunt
    2 points
  24. The stats for us playing five at the back are fucking awful. I suspect they're about to get worse.
    2 points
  25. 🎵In the county Tyrone in the town of Dungannon, There's a many a time I'd liked to have twatted Daniel Hannon. 🎶
    2 points
  26. I did no such thing. I'd have to find it first.
    2 points
  27. They haven't actually, they had the boss of Mumsnet on Politics Live this afternoon discussing it I can only assume she was there as balance to Daniel Hannan.
    2 points
  28. How the fuck does some office waller get jabbed before frontline NHS staff? Teachers should be jabbed before you as well for looking after your germ factory rug rats
    2 points
  29. Think you're getting terns mixed up.. In US ultra right circles its an insult to call someone a Liberal...Liberal isn't left wing but it is to the rednecks who support Trump. And the ruling classes in westernised democracies are ball crushingly Liberal. And so are the rules for social media. Quite rightly obvs. But its not left wing. Youre right about the left, they're fuckin useless. Culturally western society is totally Liberal. Cameron & Johnson culturally very Liberal easily as much as Blair, May hid her prejudices well but again, Liberal veneer. Some right wing media types like Hitchens & Littlejohn rail against this hangover from the late 60s student "revolution" but the products of that movement have been in charge of things since the 80s and these types definitely invented and own the Internet and social media in general. That's what rednecks don't like, as I said yesterday, to them anything remotely Liberal is "left wing" or "communist"...but thats confusing cultural habits with government/political policy.
    2 points
  30. I was listening to something this morning where the bloke said "Zuckerberg and Dorsey don't lean red and they don't lean blue. They lean green." This isn't a conspiracy or a coordinated attack, it was just long overdue time to do something, and once one moved they all had to move.
    2 points
  31. The reason they didn't do this earlier was money, and the reason they've chosen to do it now is cos the committees they will face, and those now in power, aren't the orange bloke that they've spent the last 5 years profiting from. It's entirely about self preservation. The time to do the right thing was fucking ages ago.
    2 points
  32. Some of the bits in that piece Storey appeared to have sole control of the company's Twitter account throughout the weekend and continued tweeting bizarre statements. During the grand prix, shortly after both Haas cars retired after an early collision, the account posted a picture of a milk float, painted black and gold, with Storey crudely photoshopped at the wheel. He used another tweet to claim the other shareholders had unsuccessfully tried to oust him in a "palace coup."
    2 points
  33. I’m sure the COVID outbreak in the charv enclave down my street about a week and a half after New Year’s Eve is just a coincidence like.
    2 points
  34. It's not censorship, it's private companies holding people to the terms of service, right? It's not denying free speech, it's simply holding people accountable for the heinous shit they say.
    2 points
  35. What a summer, man. I didn’t think it could be topped but Stokes at Headingly probably just about did. I remember we were at a BBQ at Heaton Stannington FC. It was a lovely day and Newcastle later beat Spurs by a Joelinton goal. As if that wasn’t incredible enough. That innings, ffs. Everybody thought it was all over. When it became vaguely possible, I went outside and said to me Dad - you better come and fucking watch this, mind. Although I was worried even that would jinx it 😂 Nobody would even go for a piss. Then when Nosferatu missed the run out. Me heart nearly stopped. Then Jack Leach got the greatest single of all time. Absolutely incredible to watch
    1 point
  36. It’s about as bad as I can remember, but the worst of Ashley’s reign? Not sure - Allardyce, McClaren, Carver, Kinnear. The competition is fierce
    1 point
  37. Getting played off the park by the worst Premier League side ever
    1 point
  38. i liked this one..... Newcastle with 37% of the ball so far and not even close to a single effort on goal. As well as the Blades have played in the last 10 minutes or so there's still questions to be asked of the visitors. Too deep, to negative? Ryan Fraser is sort of playing as a second striker by the way. Sort of a 5-3-2. no fucker knows what we're supposed to be doing, least of all bruce. well actually no, savage and sutton think we're fucking ace.
    1 point
  39. Oozing creativity that line-up. In the Denise Squelch sense of the word. Wilson playing makes me fancy is getting a result though. Ambitious as that hope is against this mighty foe
    1 point
  40. I don't think they're closing out the right, they're closing out the far-right. I think this action is that of a responsible service provider. The accounts they've blocked aren't fiscally conservative, championing small business and reduction in goverment overreach, they're using the platform to spread misinformation and incite violent acts against protected groups. I don't believe that Facebook is a left-leaning provider, Zuckerberg strikes me as true a capitalist as there can be. The idea that they've been waiting for an opportunity to shut down these groups is counter to them prevaricating while dodging earlier opportunities. They had, in Obama, the perfect President to work with in shutting down the far-right, but they've held off until the one thing they care about is challenged; their bottom line. Trump's zealots have forced their hand, they can't allow their brand to be tarnished any further, so they've acted.
    1 point
  41. Tbh, free speech and political partisanship goes out of the window when you start being a racist, gay bashing, trans hating, all lives matter bigot who threatens to murder anyone who disagree with them. And if they disagree then they are clearly just woke lefty liberal snowflakes
    1 point
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