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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/21 in all areas

  1. That’s enough. It’s getting worse every day with now having people like Collymore being sympathetic. Fuck off.
    3 points
  2. The only conclusion that anyone watching that game on Saturday can come to is that these players are not playing for Bruce now. The supposed tactics are beyond ridiculous, since Wilsons injury we've strikers as wingers and wingers as strikers. He's fell out with Ritchie and probably others and he's made ridiculous statements about the likes of Carroll and Murphy. It's absolutely no wonder they don't trust him and and it's plain to see. Obviously there is a sizeable possibility that Ashley didn't bother watching the match at all but given his investment in the club he surely has been asking questions of someone as to what the fuck is going on. He may well like the fact that unlike Rafa, Bruce won't say a bad word against him but surely that can't go so far as to allow him to reduce the value of his asset by £100m? I'm firmly of the opinion that Ashley doesn't give a fuck about the club but he keeps telling us that he doesn't have £100's of millions in cash and that his wealth is just a paper asset value. Reducing that value to such an extent that it either makes selling impossible or hits him in the pocket at a time he seems to want the cash cannot be something he's happy to just go along with. The only sense I can make from this is that he's happy to see us relegated for some reason. Whether that's because he's a cunt with a grudge against us or (far less likely imo) he has some deal struck that will get him the money he wants regardless of the division we're in and he thinks he can get the football league to approve the new owners far easier than the premier league will. The above both seem completely unbelievable to me now but they seem far more plausible than anyone thinking Steve Bruce can save us from relegation now. The only thing that can keep us up now that they've chosen to stick with this disgusting fraud of a man is Fulham somehow doing worse than us for the rest of the season. No matter how badly Brighton or Burnley might do, I can't see us winning another game with him in charge let alone doing enough to overtake either of them.
    3 points
  3. 9th January I got my first jab mate. 2nd confirmed only this morning as 3rd April Isn’t that great news?
    3 points
  4. Speaking on a weekly basis here, on average, how often do you fuck your sister-mam?
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I thought he was fantastic during Liverpool’s recent height. Can barely recall him losing the ball but nearly every pass was positive.
    1 point
  7. Definitely do some hill walking to test out the old knees and ankles. I wear knee supports when fell walking these days but get no issues normally and I walk 20+ miles a week
    1 point
  8. I can't comment on Pike or Snowdon but if it's any reassurance Nevis is childsplay compared to most of the Monros.
    1 point
  9. Friends daughter getting married in Kalkan Turkey in September, in a way hoping it gets covid-canned so will get money back, place we're going is where we holidayed for years with these friends and Dan and daughter in law, will be all too Dan to be a "happy" time so doubt we'll even go now anyway. (not comfortable travelling/flying there even without the other considerations) Otherwise our caravan in the borders at every opportunity.
    1 point
  10. I don’t envy the driver on those things because it would be a pain in the arse doing it and having to drive but, equally, dull as fuck just doing the driving and waiting around for hours. Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head isn’t that big a deal (it’s the only of the 3 I’ve done). I’ve done much tougher walks than that in the lakes. Should be fantastic if you get a nice day for it
    1 point
  11. Old Skool Nevis/Pike/Snowdon........we were thinking of doing a guided organised thing you have to pay for, but we’re now organising it ourselves mostly due to one of our mates being the youngest serviceman to fight in the Falklands war; he did his Royal Marines Commando basic training after joining at 17 and was sent straight there...needless to say, he’s team leader and will fuckin beast us Then you’ve got Triathlon boy, 49 year old with a six pack that most teenage gym lads would be jealous of. Which leaves the rest of us, already being described as “cannon fodder”...
    1 point
  12. Turns out you'll be doing FOUR peaks if you include the PEAK OF FUCKING IRONY that you got an early vaccination a month before this announcement. Absolutely outrageous.
    1 point
  13. This year? RIP PaddockLad’s feet.
    1 point
  14. Paging @Monkeys Fist After a weekend of top level talks I can announce I’ve signed up to the fuckin bastard 3 Peaks Challenge at the end of June
    1 point
  15. And he was still twice as quick as Shelvey or Hendricks, BTW he should never have let his player go inside but also the complete lack of a midfield which should have been there to easily cover is just as criminal.
    1 point
  16. Especially seeing as this is what most people expected
    1 point
  17. In our last 20 games, we’ve won 2, drawn 5, lost 13, scored 14 goals, and conceded 35. It’s interesting that some people are still saying Newcastle fans expect too much, I wonder just how fucking appallingly bad we need to be before it would be acceptable for the fans to be pissed off. It’s passed being a tired cliche at this point, it’s almost people going out of their way to just be absurdly wrong about the topic at hand.
    1 point
  18. He's succeeded in making us less defensive minded tbh. And less attacking minded at the same time. Some achievement.
    1 point
  19. I’m just happy we’ve got him instead of Benitez tbh
    1 point
  20. I reckon fulham will pick up more points in their next four games than we will in our next five. by the time we're playing leicester and man city they'll be probably be playing an already safe burnley and southampton. we're fucked.
    1 point
  21. Bruce's loyalty? Has he turned down offers from Real Madrid and Barcelona? It makes zero sense other than to show that Ashley will deliberately do the opposite of what the fans want in order to prove some kind of point.
    1 point
  22. I just don’t get the game plan here. I mean it’s too late anyway as they’ve mirrored exactly what they did with McLaren and left it too late but surely you have to sack the cunt now out of principal? Unless they actually intend on keeping him when we are a Championship side. If they do I genuinely think that’ll be the finish of me bothering with this fucking disgrace of a “football club”.
    1 point
  23. We are probably gone already. The change should have been made ahead of the winnable and must-win games. I can’t see us picked enough points in the remote fixtures as I do think that Fulham will come up with the odd good result themselves even though they have a even more difficult run of games.
    1 point
  24. I mean I hope he does have it, I just doubt it.
    1 point
  25. I’m not sure what you’re trying achieve with this post other than being a total fucking arsehole?
    1 point
  26. Not to mention drinking from one of the cans seems to cause fatal damage
    1 point
  27. The Holy Grail only in the sense that a couple of lunatics seem to claim to know where you can find it despite there being no solid evidence it even exists.
    1 point
  28. There is never the wrong moment to act as a Kant but not a cunt. We won’t get out of this madness by just looking after ourselves. It needs a worldwide effort in production and distribution of vaccines to get the pandemic under control and to prevent further deaths. Nobody could make realistic predictions which vaccines would be developed and get approved first. The more important it should have been to distribute vaccines fairly to those at risk everywhere before making sure that all people can get vaccinated.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. "Urin? You were lucky! I used to dream of urin! Mine tasted like the fetid discharge of Uri Geller's cock."
    1 point
  31. A priest a vicar and a rabbit went into a blood transfusion clinic. When asked “what’s your blood group” “I believe I’m a type O” said the rabbit 🤔 😀
    1 point
  32. Dan Sartain, aged 39. Really Gutted about this, he was a great guy and a friend. We were talking about doing shows together before the plague struck. Rest in peace mate.
    0 points
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