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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/23 in Posts

  1. Fish outing himself as a white background user.
    14 points
  2. You'll be wanting the mackem messageboard gold thread for that
    13 points
  3. Black on dark grey, nice work.
    11 points
  4. You reckon he bought a new shirt for the photo?
    10 points
  5. He’s clearly put a lot of time and effort into the content but knocked it over the bar from 4 yards out with the delivery. Can you imagine Diego doing this?
    9 points
  6. Get the bottom of ASM's boots sponsored for when he is rolling about on the ground?
    8 points
  7. I'm not saying Eddie has took shithousing to a new level but Wood's been given an extra weeks pay before he goes to big up the two Jamal's when he gets down there at every opportune moment. 'Lascelles? He's not the boy he was when he left the City ground, regularly puts Wilson on his arse in training, a proper beast now with laser like passing and young Lewis is called Trent2, he's rapid.'
    7 points
  8. He's come in for criticism from Everton fans recently but the sensible ones know the real problem:
    7 points
  9. Emotional control from Ms Hissy Fit herself Its realism. Am still scarred by lying in bed 27 years ago almost to the week and thinking about literally being 12 points ahead of Man Utd at the top of the league, then having what can only be described as a rapturous, euphoric moment of realisation … “FUCKIN HELL MAN WE’RE GOING TO WIN THE FUCKIN LEAGUE!!!” That didn’t turn out too well for us tbh. So since then I’ve been a bit reticent to overplay our chances of achieving anything. I can see the monumentally great signs of improvement, I can agree with various good assessments & analysis from lots of posters on here on form, tactics, upcoming fixtures for rivals, transfer targets etc etc . It fills me with huge optimism. But after 1995/6 am done with counting chickens 👍
    7 points
  10. since when was being a football fan a question of emotional control? get back to your spreadsheets and stop sucking the fun out of it.
    7 points
  11. Actually, I might have just thought of a (somewhat unethical) way to make that feedback work for you if it comes to it. Feel free to message me in the unlikely event they try to shaft you. In other news, Murray grew up just a few miles from me and is a year younger. Unreal career he's had, but while he's still competing for Gland Slams and I'm here pissing about offering questionable eBay advice (on a forum for a team I don't even really follow) on a Friday night, I'd much rather change the subject before I start seriously questioning my life choices.
    6 points
  12. We used to sign players I'd never heard of because they were crap. Now we sign players I've never heard of because I'm old and out of touch, but they are mint. Much prefer it this way
    6 points
  13. On a 1 billion year contract so pretty cheap really when it's amorticised until the heat death of the galaxy.
    6 points
  14. I feel for him and I’m happy to see him go. Good lad, not good enough of a player. I think he’s better than he’s showed recently but his confidence seems shot. That aside he’s still not good enough
    5 points
  15. “Mr Wood, we did everything in our power but we’re sad to say your hamster is dead”
    5 points
  16. My wife feels sad when I lose wood.
    5 points
  17. Great job Chris. We overpaid for you last year because we needed to fill the hole left by Wilson's injury. That signing, in addition to reinforcing us, weakened the direct rival for relegation. We were saved and now, in the megaproject, you clearly had no place. If we recover more than half of the investment with that mandatory purchase, it will be wonderful because it will turn out that it only cost us about 10M to save the category and put the great piece of Newcastle that is fighting to be Big4 today. We should recognize him and give him a medal when in 2024 the team wins the Premier League and Champions League Double.
    5 points
  18. They’re like the gulls from Finding Nemo but say LAD instead
    5 points
  19. The life of a Newcastle supporter encapsulated in one sentence. 🙂
    5 points
  20. If only Bruce was in charge of the technical side, it would ensure noone would ever hear it. "The only word I understood was 'feed', but there's nothing to eat. I'll dust myself down, roll my sleeves up and try to get a recording over the line next time. Rafa would have really struggled here."
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. Worst post on the forum contender
    4 points
  23. That’s a hell of a big pencil.
    4 points
  24. Watch the Arsenal and sheff wed games back. Those misses were criminal and possibly what ronsealed his fate. We’ve got no room for passengers or human emotions. This sportswashing project is going to batter its way to the top ruthlessly and with little regard for those who aren’t 100% geopolitical soft power contributors 100% of the time.
    4 points
  25. 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋: AFC Bournemouth winger Dango Outtara has completed the purchase of a new shirt for an undisclosed fee.
    4 points
  26. I love that it's the piss-soaked relegation worriers who are now the bullish beefy big boys. I've said it before. It's not pessimism or optimism, it's a basic emotional control issue.
    4 points
  27. Its an embarrassment really. They’d have been better off with no page, so people would assume somebody genuinely famous must follow them. Which obviously isn’t the case based on this…
    4 points
  28. Alien Burnsie, Sean Casey, Cwarr07…you boys have took one hell of a beating
    4 points
  29. 3 points
  30. We do not expect them to roll over, we are the ones who do the rolling them over. It's gone full circle, we had the pissy pants we're not good enough to stay up gang, now we have the pissy pants we're not good enough to stay good enough gang, despite a significant body of evidence to the contrary.
    3 points
  31. Fucking children. Quote ... Matheus França’s game is built around his intelligence. Through his movements, vision, awareness, and more, he is able to be very effective in the attack. Quote ...While playing as a centre-forward or attacking midfielder, Matheus will find gaps within the defensive organisation to receive the ball before progressing it further. Quote Just as in earlier stages, Matheus is very effective in the final third. His movement off the ball sees him attacking the depth and getting into dangerous areas. Whether as a centre-forward or an attacking midfielder, he will constantly look to get on the ball and make runs. Quote He is able to create chances both with and without the ball, being very intelligent with his movement and passing. While his awareness and technique allow him to create space and chances against lower blocks, he is also able to play in transition with his quick thinking and speed. Quote He is able to press very intelligently, angling his runs and often recovering the ball. Sounds a real prospect and would slot into the way we play, very well.
    3 points
  32. We are a bruno and Tripper injury away from dropping down the table IMO. And one of them is injured, Add another CB injured and we are a mid table team after that. So, yeah we can all dream about winning the league or finishing top 4 but that is on a knife edge. Also, on a side note. Being an nufc fan when you expect to roll a team over is when we never really do.
    3 points
  33. So they really are genuinely just copying us with these displays. They have no shame whatsoever like, fucking tragic club.
    3 points
  34. They’ll just have to wave their empty crisp packets instead
    3 points
  35. He’s had an incredible career like. 3 grand slams in singles and two Olympic titles in an era where he’s played alongside 3 of the top 5 of all time, who’ve hoovered up 60 odd grand slams between them ( and counting). Like Meenzer says you have to admire how he keeps going. He’s such a unit he’s inevitably picked up injuries and there’s nothing he’s got to prove but he’s still got that never say die attitude
    3 points
  36. You weren't saying that on Sunday.
    3 points
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